He Hates Me

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(30 years later // 6 earth months)

Hurry! Run! They're gonna catch you!

I know, I know! Wait... one's missing.

Percy looks around while still running. Suddenly, he's pushed back and falls onto his back.

"I win!"

"Oh, that's no fair Luke! You have, like, some weird super speed or something!"

Luke rolls his eyes. "Yes, I know this, now get up so we can finish this mission."

Bianca runs up to them. "Are you guys done playing? We have to get back to the citizens before they get attacked...again."

"Hey, you were playing too!"

Bianca rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I know but now we have to go back."

Ask them for a race! See if you'll win this time!

"You could just ask them yourself, you know that right?"

Bianca and Luke look at Percy then realize he's talking to Eli and continue walking.

I don't feel like it. It's nice to sit back and enjoy the fresh air.

Percy rolls his eyes. "Yeah, until it's your turn to take over when I'm the one that's tired."

Luke cuts in, "If you share the same body isn't it just the body that gets tired therefore either way you'll both be tired?"

"Well, yeah. But we're talking mentally. Not physically."

Luke forms an 'o' shape and continues walking.

"But Eli wants to race back to the city. And no powers Luke."


"Alright let's do this." Bianca says dashing off. Percy runs after her with Luke by his side. Slowly but surely Percy starts to get ahead of them by about a meter when they reach the city line.

"I totally passed the line before you Luke."

"No, you didn't, Bianca I am pretty sure I passed it before you did."

"Yeah, sure, Luke."

"Oh, my gods just make out already would you? Damn, you're marking my ears bleed." Percy walks faster. "And don't take five years either!" He calls behind his shoulder. Luke and Bianca going red in the face before Luke grabs her hand and they walk behind Percy.

They didn't take your offer to leave.

Yeah because they don't want the citizens to die.

At least they told everybody they're together. They were starting to get on my nerves with that bullshiz.

I know what you mean Eli.

They finally make it to the center of the city and ask around to find out if anything peculiar happened while they were out.

Percy looks back to make sure the couple have their hoods up and continue walking through the city.

Suddenly, a loud screech is heard to their left and Percy, Luke, and Bianca run towards the noise.

You know in the movies, if you were regular people, you'd be running to your death.

Maybe if I was in a movie I wouldn't be so messed up in the head.

Depends on the movie.

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