Kids in the Dark

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"Okay so what you mean to tell us, is that you let Nico go up to your magic tree house garden thing but we've never been allowed up?" Luke asked, completely baffled.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Yes, Luke. I flew him up there."

"But I've never gotten a ride!"

"I could always drop you." Percy shot back.

Luke paled. "You wouldn't... actually do that. Would you?"

Percy's wings appeared behind his back and ran at Luke. "Wanna bet?"

Luke ran and jumped on Bianca. "Nope! I'm good!"

"Where's Eli?"

"He's spending time with Somah. Wants some time away from me. I feel so special." Percy wipes away a fake tear.

The warriors all roll their eyes. "Crybaby."

"Zoë is the crybaby! She was crying about how she couldn't say Perli anymore. I say it's a good thing."

"I loved that name!" She yelled. "I was so proud of it and now I can never use it again... unless." She trails off then shakes her head. "I love Percico too much so I can't do that."

Percy and Nico went red and looked away. Then Percy's eyes shot up. "Woah, woah, woah. Back up a bit. What were you saying about Eli and me?"

Zoë shook her head. "Nothing! I'm going to get some cookies. You guys want some?"

"Blue?" They all ask in unison, grinning.

She nodded and left the room.

There was silence and it was slowly killing Percy. So he said something completely random.

"How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?"

Everyone slowly turns to face him and Percy's just got an innocent smile on his face.

"What in Hades did you just say?"

"How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?"

"Are you trying to kill an elephant?"

Percy frowned. "Of course not."

They let out a breath of air.

"The chickens will."

"Percy!" They yelled.


"Why do you want to kill an elephant?"

"I told you Bee. I don't, the chickens do."

"Why are you talking to chickens."

"Who said I was talking to chickens."

They all facepalmed.

"Why do you want to know how may chickens it would take to kill an elephant?"

Percy shrugged. "Sounds fun."

They stared.

"To have that many chickens and know that they are weapons."

"Dude you've got something wrong in the head." Luke told Percy. He frowned again.

"I've always thought like this, except I always asked Eli. But he's gone. Now I have to ask you guys."

"So you want chickens to be a weapon."

Percy nodded. "No one would expect it."

They look thoughtful. "I'd say three hundred."

"Five forty!"

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