21 Year Old Has a 17 Year Old Son?

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"Okay, Percy, come with me. We are going to train for a while then after some time, once you can control your powers you can get some people from the underworld. But you can only bring back five. We can't have Hades missing too many spirits."

Percy walked behind Chaos, his wings swishing on the ground, he was surprised he didn't fall over from the weight of them.

"Alright. I got a few in mind already." Percy smiles at the thought of getting to see his friends again. At the thought of friends his mind immediately went to Nico. How he left him alone. Now he didn't just leave camp but he left Earth entirely. Percy didn't know when the next time he'd see the son of Hades. It made him a bit sad that he may never get to see Nico again.

"And we're here. The training room where you will be practicing your powers and fighting."

Percy nodded and looked around the room. It was big and had a stand filled with weapons on one side of the room and in the far back had an archery range. Percy knew he wouldn't go over there because he could feel that even if he was the son of Chaos it wouldn't make him great at archery. Percy felt as if that ran deep through his veins and nothing could make him any better at shooting with a bow.

Chaos stood in front of Percy with his hands behind his back. "Alright Percy, I need you to open a portal to the other side of this room. You just have to focus on making the portal and where you want it to take you."

Percy nodded and closed his eyes imagining a portal appearing in front of him that would take him the other side of the wall.

After a few tries he finally got it right. He had managed to create the portal but it would only send him a few feet away from where he was originally at. Now he stands at the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"Yes! I did it! Finally!" Percy had a huge smile on his face and Chaos gave a small smile.

"Okay well we will stop this for now and focus on your sword fighting."

Percy walked back over to Chaos and took out Riptide. The creator summoned a white sword with black circling around it. They both got into stance and Chaos swung his sword that Percy had to quickly block. When he went to swing, Chaos quickly turned his sword and knocked Riptide out of his hands.

"Well wasn't that quick." Percy started grabbing his sword.

"I had a few years of practice." Chaos shrugged with a grin.

"Again with the understatements? That's three times today already."

"Makes me feel younger."

Percy stared at him. "How much younger? You're the oldest thing ever! Having only a few years of practice wouldn't even put a dent into your age."

"Hey, stop ruining my dreams! At least I only look twenty one."

Percy rolled his eyes, a smile on his face. "Yeah, a twenty-one year old with a seventeen year old son."

Chaos frowned until he looked at Percy with realization. "Oh well that's just shit no one's going to care about age. It's just a number."

"In your case a number with too many zeros." Percy mumbled under his breath but his father seemed to hear. He scowled and motioned for Percy to get ready.

They both got into stance again and readied their swords.


One week later
(At Camp Half-Blood)

It has been a week since the gods told Nico how Percy was. He was starting to get worried. They normally get in touch with him every few days, but not a whole week.

The gods kept their word though. They told the campers what really happened down in Tartarus and why Percy wasn't able to go with Annabeth (or how I like to say, Annabitch) on her stupid quest during the Giant War. The whole camp ended up turning on her for telling them lies about Percy Jackson and wanted to go outside the borders in search of him. Others who didn't like Percy anyway stayed with Annabeth and they all are pretty much the ones no one likes anymore.

The gods wouldn't allow them to leave though. They told the campers that Percy was safe but wanted to be by himself for now. Except for Nico. The gods told Nico that Percy said he was sorry. Nico thought it was alright. That he would see Percy again. That he'd be safe. But now he wasn't sure.

That's why he was at the Empire State Building waiting for the elevators to get to the 600th floor listening to terrible music. Once the doors opened he ran out to get away from the deafening sound and quickly made his way to the throne room.

Before Nico even reached the doors he could hear the arguing. I swear all these gods do is argue 24/7. Like take a chill pill. Damn.

He pushed the throne room doors open and was met with fourteen pairs of eyes on him. In different circumstances Nico probably would have just shrank into the shadows but not today. Today he was on a mission.

"You guys have some explaining to do." The son of Hades said it with so much anger that some of the gods flinched just a little.

"Um, about what?" Aphrodite questioned not looking at Nico.

"Oh, well let's see. How about we start with IT HAS BEEN A WEEK! You guys haven't given me anything in a week! So what's going on? What happened? I know Percy isn't dead I would have felt it. Now, what happened?"

This time it was Zeus who spoke. "Well that's the problem." He looked around at the other gods. "We don't know."

Nico's face fell and he looked at the ground. He didn't understand what they meant. How could they not know? They're gods are they? Shouldn't they know what happened to Percy?

"My hunters and I have been looking everywhere for him but it's like he just vanished off the face of the Earth." Artemis even looked a little down.

"So he's gone? Just like that? No goodbye or anything?" Nico sat down in the middle of the throne room, on the floor. He didn't know what to do. Percy had promised he'd come back. He promised he'd see him again. And now he just gone. Poof. Vanished.

Hades got off his throne and walked to his son. He held out his hand to the crestfallen son of Hades and shadow travelled them to the underworld.

Hades left his son in his room and Nico walked over to his bed landing face first into his pillows. He finally let reality get hold of him that he may never see the boy he likes for a really long time. Nico curled up into a ball and slowly felt sleep take hold of him and closed his eyes.

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