Who in Hades are You?

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55 years later // 11 months on earth
(60 years after Percy leaves Earth // one earth year after Percy leaves earth)

Percy's on a solo mission on a Planet called Xemin. The people on this plant were a lot different from humans. For one, their skin were different shades of red and purple and naturally colored hair. Their eyes would be either a bright dark blue or a shade of bright green.

They were also really tall. Percy is 6'1 but the people on Xemin were 7'5. And those were the shorter ones. But Percy was sent here to retrieve a sword his father called Cosmos. This sword is one of the most powerful swords in the universe and is protected by a magic barrier.

The barrier is said to disappear when someone who is 'worthy' comes across it. The only thing is, is that the sword was only meant for the prince of the universe and only him. That means that anyone else would go crazy or just die on the spot from even touching the blade.

After a few years the people of Xemin called it a cursed blade and blocked it off from any wanderers. So Percy being Percy ran like crazy to where the sword was hidden, being careful not to hit anyone on his way. Not from fear of them getting hurt, but from the fear of him running into someone and Percy gets flown back three feet away.

It's happened.

So Percy slips through people and finally reaches the Woods of Lemaya. These woods are told to hold Cosmos inside a wall of stones with all kinds of different spells within it.

Percy brings his hand up and wills the rocks to move and create a path for him to enter. The boulders float a few inches off the ground and move away from the entrance of the cave.

A pathway leads down under the ground with nothing but darkness capturing the walls of the cave. Percy creates a fire on his palm and holds it out in front of him to give him the gift of sight.

"This better not be two miles long." Percy mumbles after walking down the steps for two minutes. He finally reaches the bottom and sees a light illuminating the small cave. Percy extinguishes the flame on his palm and slowly walks towards the light.

Sitting in the center of the room is a rock coming up from the ground with pointy stones facing upwards on the small platform holding the sword. The sword itself was beautiful. It was black that seems even darker than the void with dark green smeared through the blade to make it look as if it faded away. It was faintly glowing a small light that seemed to get brighter with every step Percy took.

He reached out for the sword and his hand went through the invisible barrier. It felt a little tingly that Percy almost pulled his hand away. He grabbed the sword and slowly lifted it from its spot of the platform.

As he admired the sword as he felt a presence come up behind him. He quickly turned around to be met with a Xemin person wearing a dark cloak that covers his face.

"Give me that, thief." The mysterious man reaches out his hand but Percy gets the sword out of reach.

"Who you calling a thief? I merely walked in here and grabbed what's mine. If anything you're the thief."

It seems that the man wasn't having it and something shot out of his hand. Whatever it was gave Percy a massive headache and made him feel disoriented. As the cloaked man was about to reach for the sword Percy brought it back and swiped the sword towards the man, his hand being cut off. The man let out a scream and was about to shoot another beam at Percy, but he was too slow. Percy swung the sword and stabbed the man in his shoulder before blacking out from the massive headache.


Percy woke up with his head throbbing. He looked around and realized he was still in the underground cave. Getting up was a lot of trouble though. Percy kept falling and swaying like Luke would when he drank too much. But Percy wasn't drunk.

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