Real or Fake?

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Percy was terrified. He had the portal ready and him and his friends stood right in front of it. They had their hoods up with the shadow covering their faces.

"Remember, try to keep your identity for as long as possible. Call each other by your code names. Only reveal yourself if absolutely necessary." Chaos said as he bid them farewell.

Percy ran to his dad and gave him a big hug. "I'm scared, Dad." He whispered so only his father heard.

"You'll be fine, Percy. The gods don't hate you. And neither will your friend. You'll see, Zeno, you just have to go. Everything will be alright in the end." He whispers back. Percy nods and goes back to where he was standing, between Luke and Zoë.

He closes his eyes so both him and Eli can be in control. Eli said something about wanting to see Olympus with his own eyes... or... eye. The others notice the change with the way his bracelet slightly glowed before turning into a mix of black and red and a small tint of a dark sea-green.

They all step forward into the portal and then showed up in the Olympian throne room.

They were in the middle of a meeting. It seemed like a sad one based off everyone's expression. Percy took this time to look around the throne room. All the gods and goddesses were in their respective thrones talking lightly but loud enough to be heard. Percy wasn't paying attention. Especially when he looked at the dark throne which sat Hades. But that wasn't what caught his attention. It was the dark haired boy sitting in a black bean bag on the floor leaning against his father's throne.

This made Percy even more nervous until he heard his name.

"Percy has been missing for four years and we still can't find him? I mean sure he wanted to be alone but I didn't think we was this good at hiding.

Percy's mismatched eyes scanned the person who said that and recognized it to be Lady Artemis. He quickly looks at Zoë then back up. This is when Athena finally notices them.

"Who are you?"

"I am Zeno, son of Chaos. My father sent us here because he heard you needed help against Tartarus." Percy tells them. Eli stills feels weird saying that but knows he has to if he wants to stay half in control. Partly because it makes Percy feel a little better.

Nico looks up from the floor and looks at Percy. Percy glances at him before quickly looking back to the gods.

The gods were a little stunned. They didn't expect the son of Chaos to come help in the war.

"And who are the people beside you?" Zeus asks from his throne.

Percy steps back and allows his friends to introduce themselves to the gods. Luke steps up first.

"I am Íroas."

"Hey my name's Swyna." Silena.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Forge." Beckendorf.

"Hello, I'm Hunter." Zoë.

"And I'm Angel." Bianca.

"We are the leaders of sections one through six." Luke states.

"Are there more of you coming?"

"Nah, most likely not. Our sections are fighting two other wars at the moment on planets Urawei and Nepluma? I think that's right."

"I see."

"Where will you be staying?" The goddess of marriage asks.

"Camp Half-Blood. I can make a cabin for us."

"Why do you sound like that?" Athena asks Percy. At first he's confused because he's gotten so used to him and Eli talking like this. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. I sort of got two people in my body right now. That sounds weird no matter how you put it. But yeah there's two of us."

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