Percy Can Feel?!

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"Bro, hurry up and eat! You're going so slow and I want to train!"

"I'm going as fast as I can. You just inhaled your food and was done in two seconds flat."

"I did not! I savor my blue food, thank you very much."

"Then you won't mind if I savor my regular, boring food?"

"Um, I do mind. And I want to train so hurry up and eat!"

Dude just shove his food down his throat.

Ew that's gross man. I don't want to touch his face. Might get diseases.

Shit. Your right.

"Look, Percy, I'm done now." Percy looks down at his plate then back at Luke. "Are you happy now?" Percy then grins and grabs Luke's arm and they flash to the training room.

"So what do you want to do first Luke?"

Luke grins widely and Percy gets a little scared. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? Please stop."

"Let's practice archery."

Percy goes to run out the door but Luke is quick and holds him in place.

"Bianca! A little help!"

A few seconds later Bianca enters the room with an amused smile on her face.

"Make him stop so we can see how bad he's gotten at archery."

"I'd love to." Bianca walls up to the struggling Percy and whispers something in his ear. Percy's face immediately goes white and he nods furiously.

"Okay. I'll do it!" Percy walks over to inspect the bows while Luke and Bianca stand side by side watching as he cautiously picks up a bow and a few arrows.

"I'll get the net!" Luke yells and runs behind Percy to make sure the arrows don't hit behind him like the last time.

"Alright, I can do this. Just aim straight!" He lets out a quiet nervous laugh and pulls the arrow back on the string. He lets it go and arrow flies forward toward the target. The arrow hits a metal part of the wall and ricochets, causing the arrow to be flown back towards Percy's head. He quickly ducks with wide eyes.

"Shit, Percy you almost killed me." Luke begins to mumble something about 'a terrible friend' and 'I would've died again' and more things no one really cares about.

"Alright, Luke stop thinking of all the possible ways to kill Percy and let him try again.

Luke's eyes go wide as saucers. "Oh, he is not going again! I take back what I said about him needing practice. There is no teaching that." He points to Percy and he pouts at Luke.

"But you said I could get better." Percy says with a sad voice and looks down at the floor.

"Oh, Styx. Uh, Perce I'm sorry okay."

Percy looks up with a grin on his face once Luke get close enough and flips him over his shoulder. "I could be an actor." He smiles and goes to pull back another arrow.

Let me out! I can try. I was great at using a bow when I had my own body. Just don't let them know it's me. It'll be funny when they think that you can hit the target.

Percy closes his eyes then opens them, but with two red eyes.

He takes a breath and pulls back an arrow. After a few seconds he lets it fly to the target, hitting right in the middle.

Luke and Bianca's mouth drop and Percy's eye color turns back to his normal black and jumps in the air. "Yeah! Beat that Luke it hit the target!"

Percy continues running around and jumping just to play the act like he had done it himself. Per Eli's request of course. Percy wouldn't just take it from him.

"You know what? I'm done. We can't do anything here without Percy catching up to us." Luke walks out the training room with Bianca and Percy close behind. Bianca leans toward Percy. "It was Eli wasn't it?"

Percy looks over at Bianca and smiles, his eyes turning two different colors. "Yeah, it was." He says, it sounding like two people saying it at the same time. "We planned the whole thing in my head. Or our head? We're not quite sure yet when we're like this."

"Does it feel weird?" Percy thinks for a minute.

"It feels a little weird, yeah. I feels as if you're never alone even if your in a dark room by yourself you can just feel the other person with you. It doesn't feel bad. Just different. We can pretty much share memories now. Because we technically have the same mind, there's like a flashback of some sort that surfaces. From either one of us."

"So you think there's a way to get you guys separated?"

Both Percy's eyes flicker to red. "I hope so. Percy is annoying. Always thinking about some dude from back on earth. What was his name again?"

His eyes quickly flash back to black and Percy shakes his head. "No Eli. We do not speak of that."

"But it's true!"

"No. We don't speak of it."

"That is so weird." Bianca looks to see that Luke had stopped in front of them. "It sounds like two different people arguing but then you just look at him and it's just one person. Weird."

"Are you just going to ignore the fact that Eli was saying something about Percy missing someone from earth even though he says he hates it there and doesn't want to go back."

Luke then looks at Percy curiously. "Uh, it's my um.. dog, yeah my dog! I miss him. A lot his name is... uh, it's Pluto. Yeah." Percy looks away from the two warriors and walks faster.

"Oh, no you don't, Percy. You're going to tell us what you miss about Earth. No lies."

Zoë then walks in the hall to see the three and decide to join in the conversation.

"What are you talking about?"

Bianca snaps her head to Zoë. "Okay, so you know how Percy says he hates Earth and he wants it to explode right?" Zoë nods her head slowly. "Yeah and how he wants everyone to burn and he will never go back?"

Zoë nods again her eyebrows furrowed together. "Yeah... what about it?"

"Well, Eli came out and said that he misses someone there. And if he misses someone there then that means he kinda sorta misses Earth and doesn't want it to explode."

"Okay, so what does that mean?"

Bianca rolls her eyes. "It means that Percy isn't as heartless towards Eartg than we thought. That there's a part of him that wants to go home."

"Can you stop talking like I'm not even here? It sounds weird. Makes me feel weird too."

Bianca rolls her eyes again.

"So basically," Luke starts "Percy wants to go to Earth? Is that what I got from this conversation?"

"I do not want to go to earth. I only miss one person on that stupid planet. But I won't go back. Not even to go see him. I'll just have to leave again. And I miss him cause he was my best friend before I left. I told him I would see him again but I haven't seen him in 60 years. He probably hates me now anyway so it won't matter."

"We understand Percy. We have people we miss on Earth too, but we stay here because it's our home. We're happy here. We're a family. And we are gonna stick together. Forever." Bianca smiles at Percy and pulls him into a hug. Zoë and Luke put their arms around the two and they stay there in silence for a few minutes. Well until someone comes by.

"Why in the Hades are you people all hugging in the middle of the godsdamn hallway?" They all slowly look to see Silena holding pounds worth of books in her arms and quickly get out of her way. "Well come on people we have reading to do!"

"Again?" The four all yell.

"I don't like reading. It's too hard." Percy pouts.

"Oh, shut up! Your father is asking us to read these so he can get some 'quiet time' as he says. Now let's go!" Silena gives the others some books to carry and goes on her way to the library. The other four groan and follow her down the hallway.

"We're gonna die of boredom then be brought back to life just to pick up the mess of books being scattered all over the floor."

"This is gonna be a long day."

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