You Left Me to Die!!

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Percy sat on the beach watching the waves. To his right sat Nico di Angelo. They haven't spoken a word since Percy told Nico that he he knew Percy Jackson. He could tell Nico was thinking really hard about something. Eli was still gone. Percy was freaking out internally wondering what was going through the son of Hades's head.

"Is he still alive? He didn't die right? I don't really trust the people in the Underworld after they said three people mysteriously left the underworld."

Percy thought of what to say. He didn't want to lie to Nico. "He's alive."

"Is he happy?"

Percy looked at Nico. "I'm not sure."

Nico was silent again. Thinking. "Where is he? Do you know?"

This time Percy was silent. He didn't know what to answer. He knew it was coming but he hadn't figured it out yet. He wasn't supposed to reveal himself as Percy.

"He's somewhere. He's safe at the moment."

Nico let out a breath. "Okay."

They were both quiet now. Watching the waves ripple in the dimming sunlight.

"Why didn't he come back?"

"He was scared." Percy whispered. "He didn't want to come back and the campers do it all over again. But he was mostly scared that you'd hate him for leaving."

"I don't hate him. I could never hate him. I hate that he left and didn't contact me in four years, but not him."

Percy let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding.

"He misses you, you know." Percy leaned back and watched the clouds float in the sky. "He misses you a lot. Sometimes he would debate coming back here just to see you and let you know he was alive and he was okay. But every time he did, something would come up."

Nico nods. "The campers don't hate him either. Well except for Annabeth, Jason, and like... two others. The rest just want him back to apologize for believing Annabeth. For hurting him and telling such messed up things."

"Maybe one day he'll come back."

"I hope it's soon."

They ended up just watching the sun go down until it was time for the campers to go to their cabins.

Percy went to his friends and created a cabin away from the others. It was small but the inside was a lot bigger so they all had their own rooms and a bathroom connected to them.

I told you he wouldn't hate you.

"Oh, shut up." The others look at him amused and Percy was just glad the campers weren't around to see him talking to himself. The warriors sat on the couch and Percy sat down in front of them on the floor, leaning against the edge of the couch. "You just left me to die man."

Luke grinned and Silena had to hide her face behind Beckendorf.

I did not. You wouldn't have died.

"How would you know! He could have killed me if he knew I was lying." The warriors were all interested rested now. They didn't know where he was after he flashed away a few hours ago.

But he didn't and now your fine and you still have no clue as to a certain thing I'm not gonna tell you.

"But why not? Is it bad?" Percy looked at his friends in the room. "Do you guys know?"

"We have no idea what you're talking about. Who were you with?"

Percy looked away. "Nico." He said quietly.

"You talked to my brother?" Percy looked at Bianca, his face showing confusion.

"Yeah he was my best friend before I left. Didn't I tell you?"

"No!" They all yelled.

"Oh. Well that explains a lot."

"So what were you and Eli talking about?"

"He said that he knows me better than I know myself and that I don't know something but he won't tell me what." He slouches down trying to figure things out.

"Well we don't know either." Beckendorf says. "Let us talk to Eli and you go to sleep or something."

Percy nods and closes his eyes. He opens them and his eyes are red and his bracelet changes color. "What's up, peeps."

"Hey, Eli. We want to know what it was that Percy was talking about. How you know him better."

"Oh, yeah. I know him better than he knows himself because I am in his head. I know most of his thoughts and how he feels. He just doesn't know this stuff." Eli stretches his legs and his arms before laying down on the floor, watching the ceiling. "And before you ask I'm not telling you either. It would be harder to keep from him if I say it. And let me tell you this it is already extremely hard to do that."

"Alright then. So what did Percy and my brother talk about?"

"Well I was asleep but the memories of the time is coming back to me. Nico was asking Percy about, well, Percy."

Bianca looks down. She doesn't want her brother to be alone anymore. "Do you think I'll be able to tell him? I miss talking to him."

Eli closes his eyes and concentrates. It's so much easier when Percy does this. He finally makes contact and smiles.

"Chaos said you can tell him. But no one else can find out." Bianca smiles widely.

"Yes!" She jumps up. "I'm going to sleep now and I'll tell him in the morning. Night guys."

"I'm gonna go to." Zoë stands up and runs up the stairs to her room.

"Guess it's just us four now." Luke says.

"I want to watch a movie."

"What movie?"

"I don't care just put one on. I'll probably fall asleep during it anyway." Eli stands up and lays down on the couch, kicking Luke in the chest.

Luke glared at him and punched him on the arm. "You're terrible, Eli."

Eli shrugs. "Where I come from, hitting and kicking people can be a greeting."

"Where did you grow up? Jeez man that's just, I don't even know."

"Only for family and close friends. It can be quite funny at times."

"Yeah until someone's on the floor with a nosebleed."

"But that's the best part!" Eli exclaims then lays down with his feet on Luke. "Now shut up and let me watch Deadpool."

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