The Moon is Cheese

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"Luke, get out of my way!" Percy yells pushing through the warriors to get to the infirmary.

"Damn, Perce! That hurt!"

"You should have moved then." Percy opens the door to the infirmary to see Eli sitting on his bed with a big smile of his face. Percy runs and launches himself to Eli hugging him tightly.

"I missed you so much. It's so weird not to talk to you all the time."

Eli hugs Percy back with a huge smile on his face.

"But you got to admit. It's good to have our own bodies again."


He's warm. Percy thinks which is weird since his body was just dead.

"Thank you." Percy snaps open his eyes and stares at Eli and he stares back, both with wide eyes.

"Holy shit. You heard that?"

Eli nods slowly. "Yeah, like you were talking in my head."

Percy grins. "Guess we still can talk all the time. But you really are warm. Like a heater."

"That's part of what others like about people from my planet. We all have some association with heat elements. It makes us unusually warm."

"Too bad I'm cold. Like ice." Percy lays against Eli's chest and snuggles up to him. Eli just grins and wraps his arms around the son of Chaos. The both of them talking about random stuff.

"You really are pale, Percy. You used to be so tan. And your hair is so dark." Eli reaches to touch his hair.

"Perks of being the son of Chaos. You turn into a sheet with dark hair." He lets out a laugh.

The door suddenly bursts open and the two boys jump slightly.

"Hey." They say in unison.

The warriors stare at them before they all yell at the same time. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Eli and Percy share a look before looking at the warriors in confusion. "What did we do this time?" They say.

The warriors look between the two of them before Luke starts talking. "You guys are like the complete opposite in looks but exactly the same in personality."

Eli looks at Luke. "I'm smarter. Percy's a dumbass.

"I am not! I can be smart too!" Percy whines.

Eli rolls his eyes. "You were too dumb to figure out that you liked Nico."

Percy looks away and eyes the wall. "That was different."

"What was different?"

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Eli says as Nico walks through the door.

Nico is not a devil. Percy thinks hoping Eli hears.

He can be. Eli says to him in his mind.

Maybe in certain circumstances.

Like when you and him

Percy pinches Eli in the arm. "Don't say that."

"Hey! I was just kidding! Lighten up, bro."

"I have lightened up, have you seen me?"

"Yes, I see you, Percy but that doesn't change the fact that he can be—" Percy puts a hand over Eli's mouth and sheepishly smiles at the warriors who are staring at them in confusion.

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