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"Percy if you don't open this door right now I will make you eat non-blue food for a week!"

Percy shot out of his bed and bolted to the door, quickly throwing it open to reveal Bianca.

"Bianca! I have a crisis!" Percy yelled and pulled her into his room and closed the door.

"Okay? What is it?"

"You know how I only eat blue food right? I refuse to eat anything else."

"Yes, Percy, I know. That's why I just threatened you with it." Percy looked her right in the eyes.

"We are at camp, Bianca. I can't have blue food when we eat out there." Bianca's eyes flashed with realization. Then she laughed.

Percy groaned. "Bianca! This is serious!" He pouts. "What am I gonna eat? Regular food?"

"Unless you want to starve." Percy looks like he's thinking about it. "Percy you're not actually going to stop eating because you can't have blue food."

"Uh, yes. I am."

"Yes, you're going to eat? Or yes, you're going to not eat."

"Yes to not eating. I will figure it out later."

"Percy we are going to breakfast now so you better hurry up and figure it out."

Bianca and Percy left his room and walked out the Chaos cabin to meet their friends at their table.

"Hey, people, how are ya?" Luke asks.

"Percy is making dumb, stupid decisions."

"Like what?"

"You'll see."

Bianca's plate filled with pancakes as she sat down. Percy, having half a table open, lays down on the table while everyone eats.

"Zeno, what are you doing?" Percy looks at Zoë.

"I'm relaxing." He lays back down with his arms behind his head.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Because I can't."

"And why can't you? It's not poison and it looks perfectly fine."

"Well your 'perfectly fine' doesn't match mine."

"Zeno!" She yells. The pavilion goes quiet and looks over. "You better start eating right now!"

"I can't!" He sits up and looks at her.

"Just because it's not the way you normally have it?"

"Yes, that's exactly it. I don't like eating it how you guys do."

"And why don't you? It doesn't taste any different!"

Percy looks down. "It makes me happy." He says in a low voice.

Zoë's gaze softens. "I know. But you got to eat."

"I will. Just not right now. I can wait."

Zoë nods. She looks around to see the campers looking over at their table. "Eat your food and mind your own damn business!"

Percy snickers. "Oh, not this again Zeno."

He shrugs. A smile still on his face.

Beckendorf hands something to Percy. "Eat this." Percy looks at it to see some blueberries that actually look blue. He grins and stuffs some in his mouth.

"Always better when it's blue."


"You're coming with me."

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