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Percy was having another nightmare. He was tossing and turning in his sleep. His face was contorted into one of pain. The cabin began to shake violently and Luke ran into his room trying to wake him up.

"He's not waking up what do we do?" Luke exclaimed then Bianca ran out the cabin. A few minutes of trying to wake up the sleeping son of Chaos, Bianca runs back into the room with Nico beside her. Nico takes one look at Percy and runs to wake him up.

He says many words trying to get him up until his eyes finally snap open. He looks around until his eyes rest on Nico's and he shoots up hugging Nico.

He kept whispering "You're alive" over and over again as if to tell himself that Nico was okay. The warriors left the room to give them space after Nico nodded to them and they closed the door.

"Percy, you okay now?"

Percy nods. "How'd you know?"

"Bianca came and told me. What was it about?"

"It was about camp when I left. But it was different. I had walked around the cabins and I saw Jason with a knife. He uh, he stabbed you Nico. And you dropped to the floor. There was blood everywhere. Then he looked at me, smiled, and left. I ran to you to see if I could save you but you were already gone."

"It's okay now though. I'm alive, I'm okay."

"But I can't lose you, Nico." He holds onto Nico tightly. "Because I care about you."

"I care about you too, Percy."

"No, Nico." He let's go of Nico and looks into his eyes. "I care about you a lot."

Nico's eyebrows furrow. "A lot more than I should, Nico."

Nico's eyes widen in surprise when he understands what Percy is saying. Percy looks down thinking Nico would walk out the door but he stays. "Percy. Look at me."

Percy looks up to see Nico smiling at him. "I care about you a lot more than I should too." Percy's eyes widen in shock.

Outside the door the warriors are standing there with smiles on their faces into Bianca bolts through the door.

"You people are crazy!" She goes up to Percy and Nico and smashes their face together. Then she smiles and walks out. The other warriors stare at her then laugh silently.

Percy and Nico's eyes widen before they gradually leaned into each other. They kissed softly and passionately, their lips moving in sync. After a little they slowly pulled apart and rested their foreheads against each other, smiling.

But of course, the world hates them and the warriors burst through the door, again.





They yell and Percy and Nico run outside, swords out. They slash through monster after monster side by side. Percy's eyes turn red and Eli shoots a monster with an explosive arrow and turns towards Nico, still shooting arrows.

"You know, I am so glad I was still asleep when you came in the room, Nico. Duck."

Nico ducked and his face was glowing red. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that." He said stabbing a monster that was next to Eli.

"Nah, it's all good. Percy's happy. A lot happier than he was. Plus, I'm leaving his body soon right?" He shot more arrows at a monster swinging a bat at a camper.

"Yeah, I can do it whenever."

"Alright good." They continued to fight and Percy's eyes turned black once more and started slashing at the monsters until Tartarus and a few Titans were left.

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