Thunder Bolt

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I walk through the aisles, placing things in my small cart. Tampons, chocolate..the essentials. I grab some cheap makeup, socks, some face wash and shampoo. I head up to the counter. 

"Hi, um, Theodora Larson. My doctor called it in for me." I say to the guy at the counter. 

"Yeah one sec.." He walks back, rummaging through the bags. 

"Date of birth?" 

"10/31/93." He punches in the numbers. 

"Okay, looks like we're all set. Total is $6.26" I hand him the money and take my bag. I head to the main door and find Aidan. 


"All set!" We walk to the car and get in. He's quiet for a minute. Not starting the car. 

"I'm sorry.." He says.

"I shouldn't have told you about that. It's not my business." He looks straight ahead, avoiding my eyes. 

"It's not your fault. You figured since he told me all about his past that he told me that too. Just something he didn't mention." I said. 

"Don't tell him I told you. I don't want to make things bad again.." It's like they treat him by walking on eggshells. He's a grown man, he's so strong. Why can't they see that? 

"I won't." It's a lie. I need to know, I'll time. 


Sitting around the living room, me on the floor next to Col, his dad and brother on the couch, pizza filling our mouths. 

"Remember the time you stayed at Nick's and you threw that breakfast sandwich through the window, and missed..then the guy called the cops and you guys had to run but you got caught?" His brother laughing through his words. 

"What?" I laugh, looking at Collin.

"So, one time, when I was younger, I worked at this like deli. There was a bunch of breakfast sandwiches that weren't sold from that day so I took them over to Nick's that night. There was an open window while we were walking around and I thought it'd be funny to throw it through the window but I missed and hit the house. We kept walking but saw the cops so we all ran. I was in moccasins so I couldn't run very fast. Dad had to come pick me up at the station.." His dad smiled. 

"Such a badass..." I laughed. 

"One time, Lex and I snuck out late down the back stairs and walked to a party in the woods. We met friends around a fire and drank. The cops showed up and we all took off..running in different directions. Lex and I got caught and brought to the station. My dad had to pick us up too." I smiled.

"And you called me the badass?" Collin hit my arm. We finish the pizza and put it in the fridge. 

Collin meets me in the kitchen, taking my hand and leading me upstairs. 

"Put some shoes on." He grins. 

"Why?" I ask. He's creeping the door open, the lights all off and everyone sleeping. 

"We're sneaking out." He smiles at me, his eyes wide, like it's illegal for two people in their 20's to sneak out of their parents? 

I grab my shoes and follow him. He grabs a blanket from the couch and we head out the back door. He grabs my hand and takes off running. We run down the street before he finally slows down. 

"I haven't been able to feel like a teenager in a long time. So much business..." He smiles. It feels invigorating to be responsible for ourselves, to feel like rebels again. We head down the road to an open field. I see freshly mowed grass and strategically placed hills. A golf course? We walk around, no lights except for the moon. I follow him into a lower part of the golf course, covered by some trees, dark and away from the world. 

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