A Haunting

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"Okay so now all that's left is some edits and we can put the artwork on and the record is done!" Jordan looks through his shots. Uploading them to his laptop. 

"I love this one." Me, against the wall, a close up..the sun reflected in my eyes. 

"It's beautiful. I love it." I had him send it to me. 

"Serenata" I say, sitting around a fire outside. It's chilly but the fire is warm. 

"I love it." Derek pipes up, tossing his notepad and pen on the ground. 

"Serenata.." Ben ponders, stroking his beard like he's thinking. 

"It means Serenade in Italian. I figured it would just be that. Like an anthem, you can serenade with love, like our song, Sober Serenade. It's like a new beginning." 

"That settles it. Serenata. WE DID IT!" Ben yells to the sky. Our record is complete, artwork is done, songs written and recorded. 


@ ourlastnightmare: We are pleased to announce that our new record, officially titled 'Serenata' will be released October 10th! The Serenata tour starts March 1st! Tell your friends! Where will we be seeing you?' 

@ theodoratheexplorer Warped is done, the record is done and will be released OCTOBER 10TH!! I can't wait for you guys to hear this. We've worked tirelessly on this record and our entire hearts are in this. It's a new sound for us. Can't wait to see old and new faces this round! Tickets on sale Friday at 12pm! Don't sit on em'


@ AltPress Did you hear? (@ ourlastnightmare) are releasing a new album! Out Oct 10th, tour starts March 1st! Get your tickets and tune in to the upcoming interview with @ theodoratheexplorer which goes live this Saturday at 12pm on our Facebook! We'll be talking tour, writing and recording the new record, life, and Serenata! C'est la vie! 

@ theodoratheexplorer @AltPress send in your questions now! See you Saturday y'all! 


"WELCOME! This is John from Alt Press. Welcome to our livestream, we're here with Theo from Our Last Nightmare, how are you?" 

"I'm great thank you! Excited to be here!" 

"We're glad to have you! So, Warped wrapped up in August and beginning of September you guys announced a new album out in just about a month, plus a new tour. What are you looking forward to over the next few months?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's been wild. We haven't spent a lot of time at home, between tours. But we managed to get this record written and recorded. We finished the artwork and everything last week and got the go ahead to plan a release date. We scheduled a tour, openers will be announced this week I believe. I can't wait for everyone to hear the new record. There's a lot of new and different styles we did with this one, compared to our previous releases. We'll be on tour through March, April and beginning of May. There's a lot of new stops and places we've never been to before. I'm excited for that." I say, talking with my hands...a LOT! 

"We're so excited to hear it. You guys released one song from the album, The Only Exception, what was your inspiration behind that?" He asks.

"So, if you listen to the words it says "I promised, I'd never sing of love, if it does not exist.." My entire life I believed that to be true. There's different types of love though. There's love of family, close friends that are like family. And there's the type of love, the one that's all consuming, the love given to another human that is more than you care capable of. I thought I never was. I thought I was destined to be this one person who couldn't muster this love of another one more than myself. My views on that have changed dramatically over the last year. The song is a projection of my change in this viewpoint. I have found love, and I have received it. In every sense of the phrase I am in love, the one you read about in books. So I wanted to give this person a song that says it all. That's what I do best." 

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