Truth Will Set You Free

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"Do you remember the time we all snuck out and went to that party in the woods?" She laughs.

"Yeah and we had to run from the cops, and we almost got caught. Dad would've killed us." I laugh. It's so good to see her. 

"You're doing so good Livi. I'm so happy for you."I say. 

"Theo, I wasn't doing good for a long time. Mom helped, she gave me money and a place to stay until I got on my feet. I cut off all ties with her after that. She is narcissistic and controlling. I always knew that." She says.

"I just saw her. She didn't even recognize me at first. She told me you were dead..." Her face is shocked, her eyes wide. 

"Well, I told her to say that. I changed my last name recently. I was in a bad relationship and got out. I had a stalker for a while, so I changed who I was. My name is Olivia Mason now. Changed my hair color, my look, everything. I moved cities to get away, I was so scared." She says. 

"I'm so sorry." My face falls. 

"Kyle was horrible." She says, my face stops, my blood runs cold.

"Kyle? His name was Kyle? Kyle who?" I ask.

"Wilson." My face is horror. 

"Kyle's my ex. He beat me...Liv, he stabbed me." I pull up my shirt. Her face is frozen, staring at it. 

"Wh..What." She mutters. 

"I was with him for a while, he was abusive and mean. He stabbed me one night, after he beat me. I stabbed him back to get away. He's in prison." I say. 

"He told me he was mugged..." She says. He dated her after me? How did he find her? Why in the fuck would he do that? 

"He's insane Liv. It shocks me that he found you and did this. Oh my god." I say, my hand to my head.

 "That's why he stopped. He stalked me for a while and all the sudden, it stopped. He's in prison? Like forever?" She asks. 

"He cornered me in a diner a few months ago. He had a knife and tried to hurt me. Collin called the cops and they took him in. Attempted assault and threat to harm. In prison, no trial yet but they said they have a good chance of getting life without parole. Due also to the attempted murder charge from when he hurt me." I say. 

"I'm so proud of you Theo. You are so strong." She says, holding my face in her hands. 

"How's Lex?" She asks, sipping her coffee. 

"He's so good. He lives in LA, working on fashion stuff and acting. He has a boyfriend now too, Brandon. He's so happy." I show her some pictures from his instagram. 

"You guys want anything?" Colli asks, pointing to the counter. 

"My usual." I laugh he nods. 

"So, how'd you meet that tall drink of water?" She leans in, while Collin is out of ear shot. 

"Touring. We met at a show a while ago, hung out at City Diner that night. Derek set it all up for us to all hangout, my band and his. They ended up on tour with us. We had this like 'flirtationship' for a while...if that's the word I'm even looking for." I laugh. 

"We flirted a LOT. I really liked him but I kept myself so closed off. He took me to Italy. Just the two of us, we had moments where the world disappeared. We talked, told each other about everything. I wrote songs about him, started believing in love again. I felt free. I feel like a new person, like everything that happened to me didn't happen. I want kids and a happy life. He's amazing. I almost lost him once, and after that, he had every part of me wrapped around his finger." I show her my left hand. 

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