"Theo, can you tell me what happened to your dad?" her hand reaches over and holds mine. I feel the hot tears down my face, I try to stop the, but they just kept coming. I sniffle. 

"He...he's dead?" the words burn as they leave my lips, my voice barely audible. 

"Yes Theo. He was gone before we got there. I'm so sorry." Her voice sounds sad. Her face falls as she tells me. My dad's dead. He's dead. 

I pull my hands away, placing them on my lap. I run my fingers over my ring. My dad gave it to me when I turned 16. The sun and the moon on it smile at me. I turn it over so I don't see them. 

"Theo, what happened?" her voice echoes in my head. I don't know. 

"I woke up on the road, I was wet. It was really dark and I was alone." I breathe. 

"I went over to him. He was covered in blood, my hands.." I look down at them, they're clean now.

"my hands were covered in blood." I spin the ring again with my fingers. 

"I don't know what happened before that." my voice soft. I want to remember, but I can't. The images are blurry. 


I sit up straight in my bed. My breathing quick and shallow. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and look at my phone. It's 3 am. I plop back down on my back, why do they always come to me at night. The flashes don't stop. I can't remember a time I slept without them. I breathe slowly. Tour starts today. I should be excited. 

I pull out the book that Jarvis gave me. If I can't sleep, guess I'll read. 


"WAKE UP! IT'S TOUR TIME!" I feel hands shaking me awake. My eyes open, it's Derek. I rub my eyes and sit up. 

"Good morning to you too." my voice groggy. 

"Get dressed, grab your shit and let's go. The bus is here and we gotta head out." he laughs leaving my room. I get up and pick out my clothes for the day. The usual look, ripped jeans, t-shirt, cardigan, and vans. 

After I shower, I grab my bags, making sure I didn't forget anything. I grab my book, my phone, charger, and sunglasses. I'm ready. We haven't been on tour in a while so it's great to get out of the city again. 

"Morning sleepy head!" Jake pats me on the back, wrapping his shoulder around me. 

"Morning!" I chirp. I toss my bags onto my bunk. We always have the same ones, mines the bottom. I walk out to the living area and plop on the couch. My phone buzzes. 

'morning! it's tour day!' Collin writes. We've been texting almost everyday since we met. I smile and write back,

'IT'S FUCKING TOUR DAY!!' he sends back a laughing emoji. 

I put my headphones on and pull out my laptop. Time to do some song writing on our 12 hour drive. 


"Alright, we're here!" we all pile out of the bus, stretching. It's nice to not be moving anymore. I see another bus pull in, the Grayscale boys pile out of their bus. 

"THEO!" Venti runs over to me, giving me a big hug. 

"Hey man!" I say.

"I need coffee" a sleepy boy says behind him, yawning and stretching. his arms stretch out and his shirt lifts up. I can see his stomach a little, toned. 

Derek comes over and pretends to wipe my lips. 

"you're drooling..." he laughs. I didn't even realize I was staring. He's just so....attractive. 

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