Chapter 9 What a Day

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Someone shouted my name so I turn my head at my back and saw my brother waving at me. Uh? He really look small.

Then he started to approach us.

"Wae?" I ask him.

"Eat with us. Wooyoung is looking for you'

He said with that teasing smile. Urgh. I blushed because of what he said then the girls start to tease me. No, not this three. D:

"Eh? But I'm with my friends" I said with a pout. Well I don't want to left them you know? I just want to talk to them. And I really like their company.

"They can eat with us."

"REALLY?!" They said while still shocked.

Then my brother just nod and we walk to that 'Table of them'.

When we got there we saw yunho, yeosang, jongho sitting in the table.

"Where is the others?" I ask.

"Oh, they lose on our game so they have to buy our food." Yunho hyung said so I just nod then take a sit near the edge with the girls.

"We're back" mingi hyung said with a tray of assorted foods. Woah, it's a lot. I think hongjoong oppa told them that I bought friends eh?

"Thank you" I told the four of them. Then they just smile.

"Can I sit beside you?" Wooyoung hyung ask then i just nod. Then someone whisper to me

"You are very lucky to have him" jiyeon said with a teasing smile. Urgh. Wow. Thanks to my brother now I'm exposed to this girls. Then they just laugh. While I just ignore them.

Then I saw someone sit opposite of us. Oh, it's San and hongjoong hyung. Then again I just ignore them and I'm back to my business which is eating my precious tteokbokki \^~^/

While I was eating someone put some slice cake infront of me. Then I turn to myside and saw wooyoung hyung opening the lid of the slice cake and i just stared at him questioning what is this for.

"Just eat it. My treat." He said then i just smile and told him....

"Thank you wooyoung hyung" I said then ate the cake.

It's a chocolate cake and it's delicious. I like the taste of it.


And school is dooooneee. And I saw hyunmi with her girls entering the principal office. I think they are waiting for the principal.

But anyways, I'm going home with my brother so I give jiyeon, yunhae and minjae my goodbye.


So yeah, we're at home at 4pm.

"Yuji, dinner in 6:30 pm alright?"

Hyung said then i just nod tired. I'm sleepy so yeah, let me sleep. *Sigh* What a day.

When i was about to sleep my phone buzzed.

A message from:

UH? so it's a random message. Then I just tapped the open message.


Hey, it's wooyoung I got your Number from your brother :D

aish! Hongjoong hyung will be dead later I swear.

Oh, annyeong wooyoung hyung. Btw, it's fine. I get used to it I think? Because my brother always give my number to any random guys.

Wow yuji, nice lie.


Really? I thought he never trust any guy who he isn't friend of.

Uh-oh. I need some excuse.

Hehehe, but it's fine. Btw, I'll just sleep. TTYL🙋

whoa, okay. Nice catch.


Alright, sleep well.❤️

When he send that I just seen zone him cuz I'm lazy to reply. Speaking of reply my brother is going to be dead later. But lemme just set his nickname at my phone.


Then I click the yes and went to sleep....

So yeah, I update another chapter.
I kinda manage my time from
Studying, writing this chapter and also
Sleeping and social media stuff😂
I hope Atiny's are doing fineee

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