Chapter 20 Ferris Wheel

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Today is Atiny Selca dayyy:D❤️

I saw some Atiny joined ATSD and they are so beautiful while me I look like a little potato😂

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When we entered the amusement park I was startled by Seonghwa who is pulling me near some booths.

"Yah, how can you leave your friends like that?" I asked him.

"Well... They are going to part ways anyway. And look at yunhae and Yunho." Seonghwa said while pointing at yunho and yunhae leaving the others behind while yunhae is winking at the others.

Oh, I think I know what her plan is and I think the boys know it too. Well yuji being dense didn't sense it so the others is taking their leave too which leads to Yuji and San being alone with each other.

"See? And I'm sure that they are going to leave us like that too." He said and I just agree.

"So... What do you like?" He said.

"Why? Do you think you can win?" I teased him.

"Well, who says that I can't win?"

"Fine, I want that pink big bear." I said.

"But just a reminder seonghwa, it's okay if you're not gonna win. that bear isn't that big deal anyway." I said and I think he ignore me because he talked to the man they pay him for the booth.


Then I hit the cup. BINGO! now who says that I can't win huh?

Well, the man gave me Jiyeon's pink big bear and I look at her expression. It's looks like she saw a ghost HAHAHAHA

Then I gave her the bear with my Smile.

"Hey, it's looks like your terrified that I won in this game."

"Well, I didn't even expect that"

"Oh well, who says that I can't win if it's for the one and only Lee Jiyeon?" I said then wink at her

"Well Mr. Park, when did you learn to flirt?" She asked.

"Of course WooSan" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Right. They always does" she said while rolling her eyes too then laugh.

This day i promised my self earlier to confess to her. I don't know since when I like her. I just woke up and realize that i'm missing her every minute, I want to talk to her more and that butterfly feeling when she is here.

I also told my hyung's about my plan so they don't mind us being together. I just hope she won't reject me.

Well, if she would reject me it's hard to not keep in touch with her because she is the president of our SSG while I'm the vice president of the SSG.

Aish! Park seonghwa get a hold of your self and enjoy your day with her okay? Don't be too negative be positive okay? You can do this Park seonghwa fighting!

I told myself because i'm too nervous to tell her. Well, everyone is nervous when they are going to confess to their love ones so I think it's normal.

"Yah! Seonghwa i want ice creeaaaaam" she whine.

Aish! This girl never change she is like a child when she spotted an ice cream stand or ice cream shop. But it's cute anyways so I don't mind.

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