Chapter 23 Same Class

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Since after that dance number i couldn't help but think about what they told me. Me? Dense? And also i like him? No way! I don't really like him. Well, do I? Aish!

These past few days I always see the sweet side of San. Where did his bad side go? I wondered till now.

What's wrong with me? Urgh! Why did they have to tell me those things?

I was still occupied of those thoughts until I saw San and Hongjoong at the dinning area

"Oh, Morning Yuji!" San said while waving at me.

"Oh, morning San"

"Heeeey, no 'good morning' to me? You only have San that's why you always forgot to greet me a 'good morning'" he said giving me a pout and i just chuckle. Well, here goes one of his drama.

"Well, even if San is here or Not i always greet you good morning. I just love to tease you" I said then pinch his cheeks. This cute little minion.

"Okay okay, stop with this drama. Are you guys like this every morning?" He asked and we just nod.

After that drama scene which was cause of my little brother (because he is small even if he is older LMAO) I ate beside them with some bacon, eggs and fried rice. I never saw my brother cooked some fried rice before so I was surprised.

"The fried rice was delicious! Hongjoong hyung, you never told me that you can cook fried rice." I said while munching the rice and bacon.

"Uh well, San volunteer to cook so he cook all those stuff and i'm just his assistant." I was surprised of what i heard. H-he cook it?

Okay now i am embarrassed because of what i said. Wait what?! Why would i be embarrassed?

"Really? It taste delicious thank you San" i told him and smile.

"My pleasure" he said and give me his smile. That smile where it kills me. I should stop my self being near him. But how?

I was interrupt in my thoughts by hyung when he said he is going to the school ASAP because he has something to do. Psh! Something to do my ass he just want me and San to have time together.

When i was done eating i told San to wait for me at the living room.

While san was waiting i am doing the dishes.

Now i am done doing the dishes i pick up my bag and ready to walk to school until he held me back.

Now what?

"Aren't you going to apply something in your..." He said then pointing at my lips.

"Ah, that thing... No i am not applying some. I am just applying it when my friends are in the same class as me." I said while putting my school shoes.

"But they already change your class. You are now in the Class 1 didn't they told you?" He told me. Wait... THE SAME CLASS AS THEM? but how?

Then i checked my phone and he was right. They already told me in the Group Chat but i didn't get a notification because i mute it. Then i growl.

"Wait here" i told him and i run to the bathroom near the kitchen and put some on my lips. Urgh! Why do i need these anyway? Now i am going to put some every after an hour.

When i was done i just put it in the pouch of our skirt then head out. I was surprised when i was out of the bathroom San was there waiting for me like a model. Uhh?

"Let's go, we might be late" i told him.

"Nah, class 1 starts at 8:20am" then i just said "oh".

Now we are walking together at school while San was cracking some jokes. Some aren't good and some aren't that bad.

When we entered the school i saw them looking at us. What? Another issue? Oh please, we are just friends nothing more. R-right?

Aish! It's just my thoughts but i am still stuttering eh?

I didn't have to go at the locker because i already have my books in my bag.

"Yoooow!" Minjae said while approaching us...

"Yoooow" i said then we high five.

"Oh, minjae where is mingi, yunho and wooyoung?" San asked.

"They are already in the office waiting for yuji." Minjae said  and i am confused.

"Then why are you here?" San asked

"I'm just going to get my book before the principal discuss us something." She told San and he just nod.

We decided to wait for minjae and then we head to the principal room and sit in front of her.

The chair was only five so i told San that i will just stand up but he insist to stand so i just shrug then sat at the last chair.

"So, as i told seonghwa and Jiyeon that who ever will perform at the hanbok event from class 2 i will transfer them at class 1 and turns out that i don't need to worry because you guys because you guys are really fit in class 1." The principal said while i was there still surprised by what i heard.

"But why didn't they told us?" Then i saw minjae giggling. Aish! Don't tell me....

"Well you see yuji, we didn't want to tell you because you might declined" she said then she laugh but not that loud.

Well, i was supposed to avoid him but now what? The same class as him? This is going to be very hard.

Then after that San lead us to the Class 1 and when we entered the room i saw yunhae and Jiyeon running toward us.

"finally we are in the same room!" Jiyeon said and i just roll my eyes.

"Yeah, and you didn't even told me meanie!" I told her and i pout.

"Awww, our yuji-nie is pouting but it didn't look good on you so..." Yunhae said and i just slap her on her shoulder lightly and we just laugh.

Now they turned back at there seat i was supposed to seat beside minjae but then mingi run towards her.

"Sorry yuji but mingi and i are seatmates" she told me and i look at yunhae and turn out her seatmate was yunho.

And i look at Jiyeon and her seatmate is seonghwa. Of course it will be him duh?

"Here" i look at my back and saw San there.

"Uhh, aren't wooyoung will sit there?" I asked

"No, he is with yeosang" he said while pointing at the back of our table and i just nod and Sat beside him. Well, i think i can't avoid him now.

So i just woke up and it's
Already 2 in the afternoon LMAO
hope you enjoy this chapter^~^

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