Chapter 34 Caught you!

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After a minute eunmi arrived home with some snacks and banana milk on her hands.

While eating suddenly my phone Rang and when i look at it it was from an unknown number.


"Is this Kim hongjoong the sister of Kim yuji?" She asked. I'm still confused.

"Yes i am, why?"

"Your sister is here in the hospital. She is in a critical condition now." The doctor said which lead me to shock.

No! Not my sister! We already lose our parents.

Then I run to my car and start the engine. Eunmi said she will come with me so I let her.


I already call the others about this and when I got there I saw San was crying. he was comforted by Jiyeon.

"H-hyung....." -San

"Shhhh, San it isn't your fault please calm down" I told him almost tearing up. I don't want them to see me weak.

"I-i should have just said yes to her earlier when she asked me out. It's my fault it's my fault." He said and i just hug him to comfort him.

I don't want San to be like this. It's my fault. If only i just asked her what is wrong....

With eunmi....

~|| AFTER 4 HOURS ||~

After 4 hours of waiting finally the doctor came out of the OR (Operating Room).

I am nervous what is the result so i pray to God please take care of my sister. She is my one and only treasure.

"Mr. Kim Hongjoong?" The doctor called me.


"The operation was successful but, she's in coma." The doctor said and i just nod. It's okay if she's in coma just... Don't die yuji.

"Thanks doc" i said and bowed.

"You may now visit her at room #710"

She said then left.

When we entered guilty starts to run all over my body when i saw my sister laying down at the hospital bed with some dextrose attached to her.

I am at the urge of crying until seonghwa hyung approached me.

"Hyung... You can cry. Stop pretending that you are taught. It's normal for people to cry, your a human remember that." He told me and i just hug him and cried on his chest. I'm grateful i have a hyung like you.

After checking yuji out i walk down at the lobby with seonghwa and San to ask some questions.

"Uh miss?"

"Yes?" The front table said.

"How did you found yuji?"

"Oh, well sir there is a girl who called us and said that somebody purposely crash her car into yuji's body."

"H-her?" San asked.

"Yes, her. The witness said that she saw the driver and it was a girl. They plan to do this to your sister. so do you think your sister have a rival or something?"

The girl at the front table said. Rival?

Then i suspect someone.

It's Riyu.

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