Chapter 30 Break Up with him or else....

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Class has started and i was really disappointed at That Riyu girl.

I didn't saw Riyu since the class has started. Now we are here at the canteen. We are eating and acted like nothing happened earlier.

Until i want to pee.......

"Uh, excuse me. I just need the bathroom."

I told them.

"I'm coming with you" San said

"San, i'm a girl and besides just 5 minutes and i'll be here." I convinced him and i run to the toilet.

Of course i pee then after that i wash my hands for proper hygiene.

I was supposed to exit the restroom when someone open the other cubicle then choke me.

"W-what the?"

"Broke up with him or else..." I can feel her nails digging at my skin. For sure, i'm going to have a bruise at my neck.

"Or else what?" Then i kick him in her private part. Serves you right b*tch.

"You can't threat me. Remember this" i said then moved closer to her.

"I don't know who are you and you don't know who i am. I don't know what is your past with him but can you leave me alone and let me live in peace? Why did you even comeback when in the first place you already know that you were just a fvcking trash."

I told her then let her go.

I was supposed to left here there but then she grab my hair. She's fast.

"Iisten here little girl... Just like you said you don't know who i am and i don't know who you are but guess what? I know you. You are Kim hongjoong's little sister right? You don't know who i am and you don't know what i am capable of. So i'm gonna warn you that broke up with him or else something is going to happen that you won't expect."

She told me still pulling my hair.

"Well then b*tch, i don't fvcking care who you are."




Something isn't right. I don't know if i am just paranoid or?

Aish! She told me she will be here just five minutes.

As minutes pass or should i say the five minutes have passed but still she was no where to be found.

I excuse my self to others that i am going to the bathroom.

My instincts told me to follow her.

Then i heard somebody talking at the girls restroom.

And when i saw it i was Right. She's here.


What a scene😂


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