Chapter 26 Confession & Stars

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Well today was another day of me being lazy.

My brother left me alone here in the house and i don't know why. Urgh. This is why i hate Saturday & Sunday.

And i found out that yunhae and Yunho are now together. Well, for me they are fine. It looks like normal to me🤷

Why does it look normal to me? Well, since i know them two i thought that they were together and i was shock when i heard the news that they are just friends or should i say 'childhood bestfriends'.

But anyway, i trust yunho with her so no problem.


Now we are here at Jiyeon's house since her parents are in abroad and their garden are beautiful.

We are here to discuss about what will happen tonight.

Well, San told us that he will do it now and of course with my permission.

So your thinking why approved him to be with my sister right? Well you see, San was begging me and he never did that to anyone except for the girl that he likes so much and that was 3 years ago. He decided to let her go because she was the one who broke up with him and lead San to be a playboy.

Of course i won't approve him as easy as that. I also questioned him a lot and told him that if he ever hurt my sister i will kill him.

We also know about that record that wooyoung did and that proves that she really like San. Wow, the feelings are mutual.

Well, we have a plan and this is going to be fantastic!


It's already 7:36pm but still no sign of hongjoong hyung. I was going to my bed but i was interrupt by my phone.

Oh, now he is calling. Great.


"Y-yuji..." He spoke thru the phone which cause me to be nervous by his tone.

"Ya! What happened why aren't you still--"

"Come to Jiyeon's house ppali!" he said then ended the call. What the heck?! It's almost 8pm!

But i got no choice but to come over there. But i'm nervous and i Don't know why.

So i just dressed in a comfortable clothes which are just hoodie and a pajama. What? Jiyeon's house is only at the next street so i don't need to wear something like pants what ever.

And why would he call me to come over there when he could just bring me with him earlier. Aish!

When i was at her house i know at the door and i notice that it wasn't locked. Now i'm nervous because maybe their is some thief inside.

When i entered her house i switched the lights on and i closed the door behind me.

Then i saw something on the table at her living room.

Oh, Flowers.

I walk closer to it and i saw my favorite flowers which are sunflower, Daisy's and lavender. My favorite Scent!

And i saw a note that was attached at the flower bouquet.

To: yuji

Hey beautiful, i hope you like the flowers^~^

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