chapter 38 still you.

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"Why?" I told him while looking at the view.

"Why didn't you told me about us?"

"Because i thought you will not believe in what I would tell you so i just let it be."

"But still, why didn't you approach me?"

"I tried, but it's hard when i know that you will just push me away."

And i looked down guilty.

"Idiot." I said then finally a tear escaped from my eyes.

"Sorry, I'm just.....afraid."

I told him still looking down at my feet.

Suddenly he walk towards me but i still looked down guilty.

"Hey it alright, atleast you remember right?"

I just look at my feet while swinging at the swing

I didn't utter a word, not sure what will tell him because i might mess up. Should i.......?

"Come here" I was startled at your voice.

Then you opened your arms waiting for me to hug you.

And i did. I will never let this pass. I want us together, again.


"FINALLY!! CONGRATS GUYS!" i told jiyeon, yunhae & minjae while wiping my fake tears.

Today was the day when we are now graduates from college^^

"MINJAEEEEE~" Someone call out so we turn around and saw the boys there and mingi calling her.

Speaking of mingi, turns out that their teasing thingy turned into falling for each other's hear

They are pretty cute^^

And of course San and i was still staying strong at our relationship, yeah we fought many times already but it's fine.

~|| SKIP TIME ||~


yA! Tonight, 7pm at 'XXX-XXXX-XXX' restaurant okay?
Saranghae jagiii😛💜


Oh, a date? Wow it's random but okay


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