Chapter 37 The Box

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School was done and there is nothing special on my day just us girls talking that's all.

Then suddenly Jiyeon us ask if we want to go at the cafe nearby so I just nod.

I already text hongjoong hyung with my new phone about this so he doesn't need to worry about anything.


"Let's go home? The moon was already visible at the sky." I told them while packing my things and preparing to leave.


"byeeee! Take care" I shout at them.

"You too! Love ya!" Yunhae said then we bid our goodbye.

"I'm Homeee!!!" I shout at my brother who is at the leaving room and.... Texting some one?

I think he is too busy so i just walked upstairs.


Now what? I'm bored😪

Since I'm bored i decided to clean my room since it was a mess.

I clean my wardrobe, the floor and my bed.

While cleaning my bed i saw something mysterious underneath it.

A..... Box?

I didn't know that there was a box underneath my bed. When did i put that there?

Since i was very curious, i pull out the box and

I saw a notebook inside and a.... Phone?

What is this?

I pick up the notebook and blow away the dust of it. It looks like a diary or a planner?

I didn't care much so i just open it and.....

A polaroid of me and San was put there like a book mark. Uhm? Okay I'm confused.

Because of my curiosity i turn some pages and read it. It's like a journal. And it's all about....

San & me

What the?! This can't be. But if ever, how?

Curiosity killed me so i read some more.

Then one sentence caught my attention.

"At jiyeon's garden when he started to court me"

Then my head starts to hurt.

And a replay was being played on my mind. Is this for real? Then a scenario came up. Where i was hit by a car and where i left the house.....

My head hurts so i massage it for a minute and i apply some oil to relax it.

After that throbbing head scene i searched for the box and found a phone?

At the back of it was our picture.

Then i turned it on. Thankfully there's still a battery left enough to read some messages.

Then i look at San and i convo.

Okay. His nickname was pretty weird

Shiber's Dad till the end💜:

:Hey are you alright?

:You just left us there and I'm worried about you.

:You can tell me everything, right?

:Hey want some ice cream to cool down?

:Please talk to me. I can't look at you like this.

:I love you, always remember it.

So all this time San and i was in a relationship? He must be hurt when i pushed him that day.

Aish! Of course it will. Well, who wouldn't be hurt?

Now I've got my memories back, what should i do? Should i call him? Or should i just let it be?

But he's been hurt all the time.

I've been thinking for a minute if should i or not.

But guess what? I called him.


:O-oh hey yuji....

He must have been surprised because i called him.


Let's meet up at the playground.

I told him and end the call.

I didn't mind about what I'll wear. I'll just wear some comfy clothes and that's it.


I was waiting for him here at the playground while just sitting on the swing.

"Sorry if I'm late"

Someone behind my back said but i know who is it. He was panting but not that hard.

"It's fine, take a seat."

I told him.

Well, here goes nothing.

Miss me?
Sorry if i didn't update much
These past few weeks.
I was trying hard to understand
Math because i was going to
Take a test when i transfer school.
It sucks, but i Don't have a power
To tell my parents that i
don't want to:(
And also it's almost the end
of the book, i will miss you guys:(
And i was thinking if i should
Participate at stay with ATEEZ
But i was kinda shy to show
My talent. But congrats to
Atiny's that was notice^^


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