Chapter 11 Hang out?

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Hongjoong hyung told me then i run inside my bathroom and took a quick shower.

*After 7 mins*

I just wear a white shirt, and a denim jacket with a black jeans and ofcourse i wear my fila white shoes.

After i got prepared I immediately run down stairs because wooyoung hyung is here and why would he be here?

When i reach downstairs I saw them at the dinning table eating so I just ate ate bacon and egg which was cooked by hyung.

Wooyoung hyung is eating too...

While we are eating breakfast i ask him.

"why are you here anyways?"

I ask him.

"I just want to fetch you. Like let's go to school together?"

It was so random why he want me to be with him while going to school.

"But, aren't San and you walk together always? Where is he BTW?"

Hongjoong hyung ask.

"He kinda left Early. I think he has something to do at school I don't know"  and he just shrugged.

While I was eating hongjoong hyung is already done and told me that he will left me with wooyoung. Aish. This guy. I swear I'm gonna kill him if I had a chance but I can't because he's my brother.

After I'm done eating I wash the dishes and head to school with wooyoung hyung. Of course I locked our house.

The walk was pretty silent but it doesn't feel akward. It was kinda like a comfortable silence.

"Uh, so wanna hang out?" He ask suddenly then I looked at him.

"Uh, yeah sure. Why not?" I just agree because it sounds fun.

When we got into the campus I can feel the other girls looking at me. What? I know i Don't wear make up so fvck off.

Since we're on the same class, we enter the classroom together. Then we saw mingi and yunho hyung sitting there. It's still early for the class to start just 15 minutes more because it's just 7:45 am.

Since we are 15 minutes early we just talk to each other until mingi hyung ask us

"So tell us, why are you guys together when you entered the classroom? It's like everyone is staring at you two.

Then we just looked at each other and laugh.

LMAO do we really look like one? But we just met last week.

"I just want to walk with her that's all" wooyoung hyung said.

"OooOoOooOoH" mingi and yunho hyung said. Aish these guys.

"It feels like you two are a couple"  yunho hyung said but we just laugh and i said....

"Really? But we are just friends
Nothing to worry about."

I said then the teacher came so we need to go back to our seats. But luckily wooyoung is my seatmate so I don't care.


Finallyyyyy! It's break time.

I went to the cafe and let those three guys there because I want to meet my frieeendsssss.

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