Chapter 25 Aurora

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I was at the canteen with ateez well except for yuji and San. Those two look like a couple but why do yuji always told us that they are just friends?

Today the loser are mingi and minjae and now they are at the counter paying for our food.

Of course on my left side was yunho and on my right was Jiyeon and seonghwa.

Since Jiyeon and seonghwa become the president and vice president of the SSG i already feel something between them and guess what? I am right.

They look cute and we are very glad that they are not that PDA much type.

And also Jiyeon always divide her time from seonghwa to her friends which made me happy because even though she already have a boyfriend she will never forget about us. Cheesy i know but we love it!

Well, that is what friends are for right? Even if she/he have a girlfriend or boyfriend they will never forget about each other right?

"Hey" i look at yunho


"Nothing" he told me and i just playfully punch him in his shoulder.

~|| TIME SKIP ||~

After the break yuji didn't come to the canteen and San told us that she didn't feel like eating which caused her to be scolded by hongjoong hyung.




"Nothing" i told her. I want to confess but not now.

Then she lightly punch my shoulder. HAHAHAHA cute.

After we ate yuji was scolded because she didn't eat but San being Caring of course *eye roll* he brought her some food. Aish! I am still wondering why this two isn't dating when really even hongjoong is supportive towards them even though he knows that San is a player. I think San told him something that made hongjoong hyung approve to him.


Well, i found out that Aurora was coming here tonight so i am on my way to the playground that i like the most where yunhae and i have met years ago.

*Play The Song Aurora (ATEEZ) if you want:D*

I was almost there when i saw her sat at the swing and admiring the Aurora.

Then i sit next to her.

"Yo" i greet.

"Oh, hi" she told me while she wipe her tears and i gave her my handkerchief.

"I told you if you ever need me just talk to me. I'll be here to listen to your problems and i won't judge them i promise" i told her while giving her my convincing smile.

Then she told me everything. It's a family problem and of course i want to make her feel better so i stand in front of her and hugged her.

"Hey look, i know that i am not good enough with some advices but hey, they will made up in the other day because they are your parents. They don't want to see their children crying over them because of some stupid things trust me." I told her and put her into my embrace.

"Thank you yunho-ah, i don't know to do without you"

"Aish! That was friends are for right?" I said and messed up with her hair then she just playfully glared at me and we laugh.

We sat at the grass while looking at the sky. Woah, Aurora really look so pretty.

I was thinking if i should tell her or no? It might ruined our friendship but it's fine. I'll just wait for her till she is ready.

"I Like You" i spoke.


Yunho and i are sitting here in the grass at our favorite Park while admiring the Aurora at the Sky. The silence between us was comfortable. I was glad because he came. At first i was shy to tell him about my problem but he is my bestfriend for years so i should trust him. I was interrupted in my thoughts when he talked.

"I Like You" he told me and i turn at him.

Is this for real?

"Well, it's fine. I will wait for you till you are ready okay?" He told me then messed up my hair again.

He was going to leave but then i pull him strong enough which caused him to accidentally kissed me.

Of course i like him too well who wouldn't?

Then i pulled away.

"Well, now i lost my first kiss because of you so you should be responsible for this." I told him while acting mad then a giggle escape from my lips and he smiled at me.

"Well of course i would be responsible for that." He said then hugged me.

"I love you"

"I love you too." I smile at him

finally after so many years i could call him mine.

Yo yo yo, so i was kinda
Excited to update this
Chapter so here it is^~^


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