CHAPTER 21 Sunni & Shiber

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YsaPark13 story. It's yunho FF



"San-ah" she said.


"You said that i will save my money for later right?" She asked and i look at her.

"What about that?"

"I want a stuff toy"

"But, you're already 19" i told her.

"Fine." She said and i continue eating my fries.

"If you don't want to then i'll be going there alone. I just told you i want some but i Never did tell you that you will get it for me. I just want you to come with me." She said and of course i was speachless because i thought that she just say 'Fine let it be' like that.

Then i was surprised when she walked away so i pulled her back.

"Hey look, fine i am going but like you said i ain't playing." I said and she smiles widely and jump in excitement

"Okay. Let's gooo!" She said while running into the booths

~|| TIME SKIP ||~

We are now at the booths and yuji saw that colored purple bear with a ribbon in its head. Of course i was just standing there beside her. I don't even want to have a stuff toy again because i have many of them.

I think she was struggling because it's been a minute since we got here.

"Uhhh, San?"

"What now?" I asked her.

"Well, do you have an extra money? I promise i will pay you" she asked. Oh, she already use all her money so i giggle.

"Heeeey, what's so funny about thaaat?" She whine.

"Well, why do you want that bear anyway? When you can just buy some in the stores at the mall." I told her.

"Well, i know that this is going to be my last bear and i want to put some effort on this. So can i borrow some money?" She asked but i still put my straight face.

"Please? I promise i will do anything you want" she told me and i smirk.

"But i ain't going to give you some kiss even in the cheeks" she said and i frown.

"Fine, here" and i gave her some money but she isn't even winning it. I saw her trying hard to get it but she couldn't. It's the last money on her hands and she sigh.

She wants that bear but she can't win it so i took a deep breath and take the money in her hands.

"Hey! I told you i'm going to pay you later" she said but i ignore her.

"For that purple bear please." I said while pointing at the bear she likes.

"Ya! I told you i can just--"

"Shut up." I shut her up then the game start.

I was supposed to shoot the red duck but then i accidentally shoot the yellow one.

Okay last 2 chance.

Now i am focusing on shooting that red one. It was supposed to be shoot there but then the wheel moved fast.

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