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I looked out the window. Nobody was home at my house. Then, I had this feeling someone was watching me from behind. I turned around and there he is.

Ty : Sleep good ?

He was smirking. Then, he laughed. What the hell was funny? I walked back to the couch and sat back down. I was getting creeped out every minute.

I grabbed my stuff and was about to head out to my house. Until he said, "it isn't safe out there. Police advised everyone to stay indoors. Some inmates escaped and they're very dangerous." He would say anything for me to stay. Really? But then, my mom texted me again. Saying the same shit he said. Oops, my bad. I looked up. He's staring again.

Brooklynn: What are you staring ?

Ty : I like your outfit 😉

Brooklynn: Well, thanks and stop staring please .

Ty: Ight .

I sat back down on the couch. The next fifteen minutes were silent. He didn't listen. He was still staring. Then, I heard the front door open.

?? : Yo, I ain't know you had company over

Ty: Go on some where, bro

??: Ight.

I ain't like the way this dude was looking at me before he walked away.

Ty: Just ignored that.

I just looked at him.

Ty: How come you don't answer none of my questions ?

Brooklynn: Maybe I don't want to !

Ty: Mhmm, I'm get you to talk to me sooner or later 😉

Brooklynn: Mhmm, And when can I leave ?

Ty: Until the police catch them inmates

Brooklynn: Ugh.

Ty: Don't want to be here, do you?

I just looked at him. My face made it clear for him.

Ty: That really hurt ...

Brooklynn: Awl, didn't mean to hurt someone's feelings

He laughed. And made a face. It looked like he wanted to ask something.

Brooklynn: Go ahead. Ask the question.

Ty: Ight. Do you like being a "PK" ?

Brooklynn: Uhmm, why you want to know for?

Ty: You don't like it at all ! I can tell you don't

Brooklynn : You can tell ?

Ty : Mhmm. Tell me one thing you want to do with your life

Brooklynn : Dance and not to worry about this life I'm living now.

Ty: Mhmm

Brooklynn: What?

Ty : You can do that now. Have fun now!

Brooklynn: And you'll be the one to show me now ? I'm good !

Ty : Come on. You'll be having fun in a lil bit.

Oh my lawdd. What am I getting myself into ?

Good Girl Gone Bad (Editing) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now