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Someone was trying to video chat with. I'd clicked accept. His face popped up on the screen. I smiled real big. There was a lot of noise in the background. Where was he at?

Ty: Baby ?

Brooklynn: Hey

Ty: Wyd ?

Brooklynn: Nothin . Just got done unpacking .

??: Bubba ? Is that her ?

Ty: Yes

??: She's pretty .

He was talking to some girl. Younger than him. A Little boy kept running and throwing things at Ty. And running out the room.

Ty: Hold on, baby

Brooklynn: Ohkay

He left for 5minutes. Then, came back with the same lil boy. He was so adorable. He looked like Ty a lot. The looks. Personality. Attitude. Wait. I'd remember when Ty said he had something to tell me but, I had to leave for New York. So, he never got around to it.

TJ : Mommy

Ty: No, Brooklynn

Brooklynn : He's too cute

Ty: And bad asl

TJ: Pwone

Ty: It's phone and no .

Brooklynn: Your son ?

Ty: Yea . This is TJ . He's 3.

Brooklynn: Wait, where's his mom ?

Ty: Ion know . Ion care . She disappeared out of his life.

Brooklynn: Oh

TJ: Mommy

Ty: Sorry about that

Brooklynn: It's okay. Where are you, anyways ?

Ty: Miami. Visiting my grandma and sister .

Brooklynn: Oh . Um, Babe ?

I pointed at TJ. He was standing by the door holding Ty's phone.

TJ : Pwone

Ty: TJ, get back here .

TJ: No

Brooklynn : He's bad all right.

Ty: Yes. Hows New York ?

Brooklynn: Good. I'm just a lil curious about some people .

Ty: Mhmm, like who ?

Brooklynn: Some people my cousin London knows . Devin, Drew, and Raelynn .

His face intense up. When I said their names. I swear he went calm to looking pissed asl.

Brooklynn: Baby, you okay ?

Ty: Yea, just stay away from Devin, baby

Brooklynn: Okay, what's wrong

Ty: I'd just don't trust Devin ! That's all. After what he did. Hell no.

Brooklynn: It's funny cuz he said he can't picture you dating someone like me.

Ty: Mhmm,

TJ : Hwre dahdah

Ty: Really ? Why is it wet ?

Brooklynn: Adorable ..

Ty: Really, babe

Brooklynn: What ? He's so cute ..

TJ : I wash

Ty : You washed my phone ?

TJ started giggling and smiling. Ty just looked at us both. I'd couldn't help it. TJ was too cute.

Ty: You can have him, baby .

TJ : Mommy

Ty: I'll be back babe

Brooklynn: Ok

As Ty left, TJ climbed up in the chair. He was smiling real big. Pointing at the screen.

TJ : Mommy

Brooklynn: Hi

TJ : Mines . Not dahdah .

Brooklynn: Awl ,

TJ : You pretty

Brooklynn: Thank you .

TJ: Dahdah

I looked at the door. Ty walked back in the room. Stopping and staring at TJ.

Ty: Someone really likes you, babe

Brooklynn: Yes

TJ: Mines, dahdah

He tried so hard to cover up the screen. But, he was unsuccessful. Ty picked him up sitting him on his lap.

Ty: Mhmm, she was mines first .

TJ: No

Ty: Yup,

TJ : Mines . Right, mommy

Brooklynn: Both .

TJ : No . Mines .

Ty: She told you !

TJ: No fair .

Ty: Hey buddy . It's time for bed .

TJ : Nooo .

Ty: I'm call you back when somebody goes to sleep .

Brooklynn: Ok .

TJ: Night mommy

Brooklynn: Night .

We left the video call. I'd realized that it was getting a lil cold. I went to turn the heat up downstairs. My mom must've left already.

Ty and I video chatted, again. Without a little distraction. I continued to tell Ty about everything else that happened. He talked more about TJ. We was up all night video chatting. I didn't noticed we didn't go to sleep until 7:30 am. Still on video call. When I woke up at like 11 am thanks to London.

Good Girl Gone Bad (Editing) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now