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Part of me was happy that I was back in New York. Another part wanted to leave again taking Tj, Cya, and Brooklynn with me. I was just rolling around with my right hand man Jaylen. Since I left New York he handled things until the day I came back. He was like a brother to me. He's been thru some shit like me. He barely knew his dad. In and out of his life.

I need to know everything after l left. I know some shit went down. Just what. I know Jaylen gonna tell me. Always could count on him.

Jaylen- a lot of shit happened

Ty- fr

Jaylen- yeah Maurice is back in town and some new dude trying to takeover

Ty- nah that's not bout to happen . Maurice is really back after what happen

Jaylen- yeah I heard he got dropped by Devin

Ty- for what

Jaylen- idk I think Maurice had some history with the girl Devin dating now

Ty- hm

Look like I came back in time. I checked in on a few more spots. Then, I dropped Jay off at his car. I swear this nigga stay getting new cars. I ended up going to the house and chilling for the rest of the day.

I had a lot of things on my mind. Too into my thoughts. I didn't hear Brooklynn and Tj come in until Tj jumped on my lap.

Tj- dahdah

Ty- sup

Tj- fun

Ty- hm Baby ?

Brooklynn- yeah

Ty- where Cya

Brooklynn- out

Ty- where

Brooklynn- met a new friend today

Ty- girl or boy

Brooklynn- not saying

I got up sitting TJ on the couch. Nah my little sister not about to be out if its with a boy. Fuck no. I walked in the kitchen Brooklynn was putting some food up.

Ty- tell me

Brooklynn- Mmm you not going to get mad

Ty- nah I'm not just tell me

Brooklynn- Khalil is showing Cya around New York

Ty- its a boy huh

Brooklynn- yup

Ty- iight I'm fine with it

Brooklynn- sure baby now can you put this up there

Ty- shortness

Brooklynn- shut up

Tj- door

Brooklynn- I got it

As Brooklynn got the door I continued to putting the stuff up. I don't know what Tj had but his little hyped ass need to calm down. Begging me for snacks. Brooklynn sure was taking a long time at the door. I gave Tj some fruit snacks to calm his ass down. He ran off back in the living room. I walked out going to Brooklynn.

She was just standing there with the door open holding something. I closed the door looking at her. She looked mad. She handed it over to me walking over to Tj.

When I looked at it all hell was finna break loose. I grabbed my keys walking out the house. I heard TJ in the doorway yelling my name. I hopped in my truck driving. This bitch is bout to catch some hell from me.

I know exactly where to find her ass. It wasn't that hard. Always at that damn house with them niggas. I pulled up hopping out.

Ty- yo where she at

??- who

Ty- Raelynn

??- nah she ain't here

I knew this niggas was lying. Cause I seen half of her in the damn house. I walked right passed them going up to Raelynn pinning her against the damn wall. I was pissed tf off about this shit. A court order. Full custody of TJ. Fuck no. She not to be get it.


Raelynn- you not fit to be a parent neither nigga

Ty- Not fit to be a parent . But I'm in his life 24/7 and do what tf I can for him unlike you bitch . I don't leave him around random ass niggas or bring him to the damn strip club or leave him by himself .

Raelynn- I ain't do none of that

Ty- you didn't

Raelynn- No !

Ty- ok you know you lying bitch . better be happy I ain't send my girl over here to beat that ass again bitch .

Raelynn- dont call me a bitch

Ty- see you in court bitch .

I dropped her ass to the damn floor walking back out the house. Bitch got me all types of fucked up. I'm just bout to get in my truck when she want to come up to me. Yelling shit and hitting a nigga.

Ty- Bitch if you dont get your damn hands off of me I'm fr get my girl on your ass now

Raelynn- get the bitch then . Her slutty bitch ass .

I had it with her. I grabbed her by her damn throat choking the life out of her. Until these niggas pulled her away. She grasping for air rubbing her throat.

??- look bruh, just go on home and just chill

I just looked at him then at her. I hopped back in my truck pulling off. I was headed home til I saw Cya. Tf was she doing with a damn bottle and smoking? I pulled over getting out walking over to her. I grabbed the bottle out her hand throwing it on the ground and snatching the cigarette out her hand.

Ty- tf is you doing, Cya ?

Cya- wth

Ty- you know what get in the truck

Cya- no

Ty- I'm not in the mood . GET IN THE DAMN TRUCK !

Khalil- ay she don't want to go, bruh

Ty- I suggest you sit tf down nigga . Cya lets go

She didn't move. So I yanked her up dragging her to the truck. She got in mad asl. I ain't give no fucks. My 16 year old sister is not about to be smoking and drinking with some niggas. Not doing the shit period. We got to the house. She got out slamming the door and shit.

Ty- dont be slamming shit, Cya

She rolled her eyes going inside. Fucked up day I'm having. All I need right now is Brooklynn.

Good Girl Gone Bad (Editing) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now