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" Devin "

Weeks and weeks I'd listened to London. Complain about how I need to make amends with Ty. I couldn't take hearing that shit no more. I've been coped in the damn garage. Fixing this old car up. Some old car my dad had been fixing up but stop.

I knew I heard voices inside the house. Just didn't know who. Til Ty came out here.

Ty- tf is you doing

Devin- what it look like nigga

Ty- we need to talk

Devin- about

Ty- I'm tired of this shit. That shit is in the damn past

Devin- what happened to you

Ty- Brooklynn got to me. She wouldn't stop complaining about it

Devin- bruh London too .

Ty- we coo .

Devin- yeah now I know that ain't all you had to talk about

Ty- this dude trying to takeover I've seen him

Devin- where at

Ty- he hangs around the park but um we got a problem

Devin- what's that

Ty- Cya

Devin- what you mean

Ty- she recently just starting hanging with him and there's something else

Devin- what

Ty- I think he's after Brooklynn

Devin- how

Ty- not Brooklynn herself but her dad

Devin- who's her dad

Ty- Black Reign

Devin- wait wait hold up her dad is Black Reign

Ty- yeah she was just as shock as when she find out her pastor dad is really a drug lord not a pastor

Devin- damn so he's after the Black Reign's reign

Ty- yeah

Devin- she know about his other kid

Ty- oh yeah its Jaylen

Devin- our right hand man Jaylen

Ty- yeah

Devin- wow

London- DEVIN

Ty- what you do now

Devin- man idk

We walked back in the house. London was standing there in the kitchen. I walked over to her.

London- tf is this

Devin- what

London- I thought I told you to have these locked up

Devin- I do

London- oh really Tj find this laying under the couch

Devin- damn one of the boys must've left it there .

London- put it up please

Devin- baby

London- huh

Devin- gotta to talk later

London- iight

Devin- Ty lets go

Ty- iight

I need to head over to the warehouse. A meeting need to be held right now.

Devin- call everybody to meet at the warehouse now

Ty- iight


Oh boy. Devin got that crazy look in his eye. Some shit about to go down. Whoever tf this dude was started a damn war. The boys left.

I was finishing cleaning the kitchen. Brooklynn walked in sitting on the counter. Something was different about her. I looked at her then back to I was doing. That was it.

London- so when you was going to tell me

Brooklynn- tell you what

London- emmhm

I pointed at her stomach.

Brooklynn- wait what

London- you didn't know

Brooklynn- no clue

London- I'll take you to my doctor

Brooklynn- thanks

London- no probs so you did the research

Brooklynn- yeah how you find out about it

London- while me and Devin was in California his name popped up in a situation

Brooklynn- oh

London- when you gonna tell Ty

Brooklynn- when I find out for sure

Something deep down is trying to tell me something. But what. That's the clue.

Good Girl Gone Bad (Editing) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now