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As I left my room from putting TJ in there, I was hit in the damn head with some kind of damn ball. It hit me so hard. All I heard was screaming and shit. I seen Ty holding Cya back from hitting Drew. London and Raelynn was getting into it.

I felt something wet drip down my face. I touched it and it was blood. Then, I heard TJ getting up. I seen Ty walking towards me holding Cya. He saw me bleeding. Cya find her way out of his arms lunging at Drew.

I finally realized where the ball was throwing. Raelynn threw it at London but, she dunk. And it hit me. I could see Raelynn was laughing hysterically at me. I didn't know what came of me. Ty tried to stop me but I got passed him.

Ty- Baby ?

I lashed out. I only saw Raelynn and that's it. She threw punches but missed. I was throwing punches left and right. Don't throw shit at me then laugh like nothin is gonna to happen. Bitch got me fucked up.

London tried to pull me off of her. But I kept going and going. I was fucking her up. I was pissed off. When I was pulled off I did some damaged to her. Ty was the one who pulled me off. He looked into my eyes. He saw the anger in my eyes. And the blood dripping down my face.

I walked up to my room with Ty following me. He closed my door as I went in the bathroom to clean up. I came out Ty was sitting on my bed. We just stay up in my room until everyone left but Cya. Ty didn't want me to do it again.

TJ was still sleep. He slept too hard just like his daddy. Ty was playing the game sitting in between my legs while I rolled up a blunt. He cut the game off looking up at me. His big icy blue eyes get me every time. I got up walking to my desk putting the stuff on it. Ty grabbed me pulling me down onto him. Mmm.

He just don't know what he does to me. Because of Tj we ended up cuddling all night watching Netflix.

Good Girl Gone Bad (Editing) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now