Chapter 27

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A/N My Sister Called Me Today Like Yo Where's the Rest of the Book So Here's An Extra Update Yall Can Thank Her Now. 

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              I woke up in the middle of the night because I was thirsty and if this ever happend to you, you know there's no possible way you could sleep until you quench your thirst.

        I looked to my left to sleep Tre fast asleep butt ass naked with socks on, I smirked and than got up. I placed one of his shirts on and went to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water out the fridge I noticed some honey turkey lunch meat and my mouth watered.

      I grabbed it along with some cheese, lettuce, and mayo. Once I closed the fridge I grabbed the bread and made me 2 sandwiches, placing them on my plate I grabbed some hot chettos and my water than made my way to the bathroom and turned on the tub and poured bubbles in it.

     I sat on the toilet as it filled up. When it reached high enough I grabbed the stool and sat my plate on top. I lit candles, turned on the radio, slipped out Tre shirt and got into the tub. "YASSSS LAWDDDD Thank you for this tub, and hot water, and Victor for his secrets cause without him there'd be no Victoria secert thank you for who ever the hell created lunch meat, and bread, the mastermind behind sandwiches, and most importantly thank you for Chester Chetto, you the man Chester." I said as I sat down in the tub. I picked up one of my sandwiches and began to devour it.

       I looked over at my lonely hot chettos and decided to add some inside my sandwich. "Now your not so lonely huh," I said in mid bite I saw a flash. And almost dropped my third best creation in the world. I turned to see Tre standing there laughing.

     "Seriously this is what you do at 3o clock in the morning" He said as he began to take off his socks. "Mind your buisness" I harshly replied as he got in the tub behind me. He was still laughing, the moment he picked up my sandwich and took a bite my heart broke.

     "You have got to be fucking kidding me." I said as he took another bite. You no that feeling when your frozen, everythings moving in slow motion and all you can do is stare. Well that's how I felt as I watched him take his 3rd bite. Tears instantly fell from my eyes. "Put the rest of my it down now" I said. He laughed as I snatched it out his hand and sat it back in its rightful place.

     "How dare you come in here disturbe my bath and than you eat more than half my sandwich and now the rest if my chettos will be lonely" I said as tears continued to run down my cheeks causing my voice to sound different.

     "Are your really crying" He said this only made his laughing worse. I quickly wiped my eyes and ate my other half of sandwich once my plate was completely empty, I grabbed my water took a sip and stood up. "I'm going to the shower" I said as I stepped out and walked over to the shower. I turned it on and when the water was at his right temperature I stepped in.

      I soon felt the cold air come through when Tre stepped in behind me. I completely ignored him and continued to wash up. He pulled me back into his chest and kissed my ear. "I'm sorry for making you cry, I didn't no Chester Chetto would get lonely, if I hadn't placed him on your creation" He said as he chest vibrated from laughter.

    "It's not funny" I mumbled but I never once pulled out his embrace. "Where's Fallen?" He asked. "Dropped her off with meka, I didn't see Your baby mother or Ari so Where are they?" I asked.

     "Well somebody requested that Brianna get the boot so she's out on her own, I helped her find a 2 bedroom apartment and she found a job so she's out the way, Ari with my sister" He said. I nodded. He began to rub my stomach and that caused me to smile.

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