1 ∆ Killer and his pine tree

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^ Dipper's suit

Dipper waits for the night guards to pass his room. The guards finally pass, silently Dipper passes them. We quickly walks towards the balcony, HIS balcony. No, not Dipper's balcony but someone else's. He pulls back the door's revealing a moon light pavilion. The back walls had vines growing along them and couches sat on either side of the balcony. Dipper sits on a couch, which is black in color. He waits until he hears a giant laugh. A gust of air falls to the back of the couch. A dark shadow falls behind the prince. "Hello Bill" the brunette speaks not even flinching. The shadow gains light and the brunette looks at the perched figure. Bill has blonde hair with a black undercut, he has semi pale skin, and a charming voice. "Ugh you suck! You don't even flinch anymore!" Bill complained while staying perched on the back of the couch. "Well sorry that I've grown used to your behavior by now" Dipper nags. "But Pine tree you make it no fun!" Bill complains like a child. Dipper laughs. "What do you want to do today love!~" Bill purrs, Dipper blushes a lot.

Bill and Dipper are not together. Bill would like that very much tough. So to make his Pine Tree take his hints he calls him pet names and flirts....

I works really well

"Can you teach me more magic?" Dipper asks. "But we did that yesterday!!" "I know but I really like learning it!!" "Ugh fine!!... By the way are you wearing the suit?" "If you mean the suit you gave me then yes, I am wearing the suit"

Bill rolls his eyes and jumps off the couch. Literally jumps. He lands on the ground and turns to bow at Dipper. Dipper laughs and turns a faint shade of pink. Bill then mutters something under his breath, his hand ignites in a small blue flame. Bill looks at Dipper as tough he is expecting something. Dipper mutters words under his breath, his hand also ignites into a small flame. Thai flame is golden with a touch of black tough. "I keep forgetting how pretty your fire is" Bill chirps. Dipper hums in approval and looks a Bill. "Ok now shape the fire" Bill speaks in a calm voice. He looks down at his blue flame "snake". The flame shift into a burning snake, it loops itself around Bill's hand and hissed. Dipper laughs, "rose". Yeh golden flame grows taller. The tall flame then grows a bud, the bud explodes in a burst of Ash and a rose forms. The edges of the petals and the thorns on the stem are tipped in black.

Bill stares in aww. His snake fades away and he walks over to the fire rose. He mutters something and yeh rose stops flaming. He then touches and hold the golden rose. "how'd you do that!!" Asks Dipper excitedly. Bill hums, "MAGIC! Here you can have it, I made it real for you". Bill hands Dipper the rose. Making sure not to like himself on the thorns, Dipper clucthes it close. "Now before I leave can I get a kiss?~" Bill purrs. Dipper pushes him away while his face explode a shade of deep red. "Go away" Dipper teases. "Your lose!" Bill says as he jumps off the balcony. A blast of golden light shines and a crow flies upwards. "BYE BILL!" Dipper calls out.

He then walks away still holding the thorned rose.

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