5 ∆ really?

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Dipper yawns. He flops back over and refuses to get up. The sun leaks through his window a bit. he refinds a comfy spot. He smiles and falls back asleep.

The reason he's so tired, did you not read last chapter? He stayed up till sunset


Dipper snores peacefully. A smile on his sleeping face. As predicted, the door SLAMS open. Dipper sleeps through it. Mable comes through the door, and poke her sleeping brother's face. The male twin groans and opens his eyes to see a beaming Mable. "what?". She just grabs his wrist and drags him to his bathroom. He lands on his butt on the hard tile floor. "what was that for?" he asks as he stands up. "You'll see!!" she says as she pushes him back down, "stay on the floor". She runs off as Dipper just sits there. Mable comes back and chucks something a Dipper, "change! I'll be back when I'm done!~". Dipper just rolls his eyes and changes.

Mable comes back in a white dress that fades to purple. Her hair up in a messy bun. She holds a rose, but it's not for her.

Dipper finally musters up the courage to open the door. He does so. Mable gasps at the sight. Dipper looks pissed in a black dress that's short in the front and long in the back. "BRO BRO!!" Mable cries out, "YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!!". She has tears brimming her eyes, Dipper loses his peeved look. "Mable, you can't cry! You'll ruin your perfect makeup!" she laughs at this. Then she remembers something, "OH! I have something for you!". She takes the rose she's holding and holds it out to Dipper. Dipper gasps, "MABLE! Where'd you find that! You shouldn't be touching that! It's precious!". He grabs the flower quickly, "why do you even have this?" "You need to wear it". She gently grabs the flower and pins it on his dress' strap. "THERE! NOW WE GO!!" she grabs Dipper wrist and bolts out the door. "WAIT! I forgot your shoes" she leaves him and grabs something out of her room. Back heels, Dipper looks scared. "Oh suck it up!" she says as she drops the shoes, Dipper slowly puts the death traps on.

Mable quickly makes her way down the grand staircase. At the bottom sat a king, war general, blonde girl, nervous looking blonde, and a weird albino midget. Mable bows in front of the king, he bows back. They then burst in laughter, the king wipes his eyes. The general sneezes very loudly, "Stanley, you sneeze into your elbow! We have guests". Stan rolls his eyes, "they need to know the real family, sixers! Not the fake happily ever after crap!". Mable laughs at her grunkles antics. She then notices the blonde girl in the corner, she covers her face from the spreading blush. "Oh Mable! Come meet you and your brother's suitors" Ford says as he leads his great niece over to the people. The first is the blonde girl, Mable already knows her though. "This is Pacifica Northwest, she was my choice for you" Ford explains. Mable and Pacifica just stare at each other. Ford laughs and shows her the white haired rat child, "This is Gideon Gleeful... he is-" "HE WAS MY CHOICE!" Stan calls across the room. Gideon takes Mable's hand and kisses it, both Mable and Ford's faces scrunch up in disgust. "anyway.." Ford caries on down to the last person. The tall blonde is in a dark coat with yellow chains (PICTURE). He anxiously taps his finger on the table in front. His gaze never leaves the stair case. "And this is-" "BILL EYES OVER HERE!" Mable says sternly. Bill flinches but doesn't move his gaze, "oh hay shooting star". Ford looks at the two awkwardly, "you know him?" "ya I meet him at the party, RIGHT BILL?". Mable elbows Bill, he gives a bland answer, "uh huh". Ford sighs, "he's here cause I feel asleep and he was Stan's choice". Mable nods, Ford walks back over to his twin. Mable sets her hand on top of Bill's, "Your fine, he's coming" "What if actually doesn't like me?" "I know he does, I can tell" "you think?". Mable nods reassuring him, he cracks a nervous smile.

Footsteps echo through the room as a small male comes down the stairs. Bill looks at the boy and instantly blushes. "wow.." he whispers, "he's gorgeous". Mable nods and goes to help Dipper down the stairs. She gets to him, "NO NO! I've got it". She laughs as her brother messes up with his heels. He finally gets to the bottom, and trips. He catches himself though, so he doesn't fall. Mable laughs and Dipper smacks her shoulder, "how do you walk in these death traps". Mable laughs and helps her brother get over to their grunkles. Ford and Stan look at Dipper and start laughing, "Mable? Did Mable put you in that?". Dipper nervously nods his head. Ford composes himslef, "you look wonderful. I wish your Mother could see you". Dipper smiles brightly at this comment. He then goes to talk to the three guests. He greets Pacifica, "greetings! I'm Mable's twin, Dipper Pines" he says as he shakes her hand. She smiles, "I'm Pacifica Northwest! I've been selected for Mable's hand. Also, why are you in a dress?" "I have no idea". Dipper and Picifica laugh a bit. Dipper looks at Gideon and keeps walkig, "Don't like you". Bill bursts out laughing, "OHHHH!!! LITTLE PIG GOT TOLD OFF BY PINE TREE!!!! GET WRECKED SON!". Dipper rolls his eyes at Bill, "and your childish" "what's your point Pine Tree?~".

Bill then notices the rose, "you wore my rose..". Dipper looks at the rose and remembers what he's wearing, "oh it's nothing!! Mable just thought it looked nice so I put it on *nervous laughter*". Bill and Dipper make eye contact with blushing faces, "I think it suits you". Dipper's blush grows brighter. "Now kiss" Mable's voice whispers from behind Dipper. Bill and Dipper shoot her deadly glares.

Ford Clears his throat, "if your all done flirting, We can get on with today's plans"


In case you were wondering what Mable's and Dipper's dresses looked like here they are!!

Here is Dipper's, except it has the rose on the strap and he wears black heels the cover his feet

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Here is Dipper's, except it has the rose on the strap and he wears black heels the cover his feet.

And now Mable's!!

I downloaded this from pintrest so I did not screenshot it

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I downloaded this from pintrest so I did not screenshot it

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