12 ∆ "your plans have been cancelled"

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Dipper paces around the throne room. Mable and Ford sit on their thrones, Stan sits in a chair in the corner. Dipper stomps his foot and turns to Ford, "Why can't you just call it off!". Ford sighs and looks at Dipper, "Dipper, he's a danger" "A DANGER! Do you think someone dangerous would send the one they love a cat as a parting gift. Or propose in a note cause he can't be here to do it himself?!". By the end of his yell, Dipper was yet again in tears. Monster pads over and rubs against his legs, a good effort to calm her master down that didn't work. He pulled a piece of yellow and black cloth out of his pocket, he clutches it close. Ford stands up, "Dipper, you need to calm down". Dipper snaps, "CaLm DoWn!? CALM DOWN!? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?! YOU KNOW WHAT! NO! I THINK I"M REACTING PERFECTLY FINE IN THIS SITUATION!". Ford looks uneasy as he takes a step towards Dipper, "Dipper..." "DON'T! HOW DARE YOU! NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I TRY TO REASON WITH YOU, YOU DON'T LISTEN!". Ford puts his hand on Dipper's shoulder, "Mason," "WHAT" "this is for your safety and the kingdom's". Dipper's eyes started to smoke, Ford looked at him with anger. "I think you should stay in you room for the remainder of the day". Dipper started yelling and guards to pull him to his room. 

Monster wobbled into the room just as the door was being shut. It was locked, Dipper was stuck inside. He walks over to the window and sets on the seat. He looks around at his room, specifically the half finished painting in the corner. It shows a blonde beaming while on his arm sits a crow. "that was fun" Dipper mumbled to himself as he recalls the memory.

Suddenly hundreds of happy and sad memories over take him. Monster mews and sets a paw on his foot. Dipper cries out in agony flames erupt around him. Monster yowls and hides under her cat bed. 

Dipper stops being on fire and opens his eyes. His eyes are bright blue, a blue smoke comes from them. He lights a flame and burns the door down. He walks out like a boss, stopping any guards with a wall of ball of flames. He stomps down the stairs and sees the throne room empty. HE finds a small crack in the large doors. He swipes his hand and the doors shoot open. He sees a small temporary wooden stage. On it sets a man on his knees, a sack over his head. Dipper growls and makes columns of flames on each side of him. The crowd gathered around the stage gasps and steps back. Ford, who was speaking on the stage, looks back at Dipper. His face drains of color. Dipper smiles and the columns form large cobras. "Sorry, but I think your plans are cancelled!~" Dipper chirps as he steps down the stairs towards the stage. The guy in the sack perks up, "Dipper..". Ford steps over to Dipper, "Dipper... Calm down" "Sorry, don't really want to~". Dipper floats up to the stage, he smiles at the crowd. They gasp in horror and back up, murmurs spread through them.

"is that the Prince,"
"isn't the one being killed is suitor"
"That can't be the Prince, he's so nice, not this!"
"This can't be".

Dipper smiles until he reaches a certain disapproving face in the crowd. He loses his smile and his electric blue eyes dull a bit. But it isn't his sister's look that turned him back, no, it was teh voice of a man who he cared to much about.

"Pine Tree, Dipper, this isn't you. Please calm down".

Darkness in the castle (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now