10 ∆ Sorry...

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Dipper fell asleep like that. Bill ended up carrying Dipper back to his room. He caries the small brunette in his arms back to his room. He opens the dark colored wood. The brunette snuggled closer, Bill smiled and walked over to the bed. He sets Dipper on the bed and kisses his forehead. The brunette smiles in his sleep and grips the blanket. Bill smiles and walks out, as he closes the door he mumbles softly, "night pine tree. Love you~". He closes the door and hums as he walks to his own room.

He turns the hallway that has the suitor's rooms. On the left is Pacifica's then Bill's. On the right is Gideon's and an empty room. Bill passes Pacifica's, knowing she probably asleep. He doesn't even look at Gideon's. He opens his door and lights all the candles and lanterns with his azure flame. Once the magic is done he yawns and flops onto the bed.

Bill hears a weird knock on the, balcony? He opens the glass door and sees a man. His face is almost completely covered in a black bandana. His clothes match in color. The only two visable color differences are the red rose in his pocket and his red tipped hair. "Kill..." Bill mumbles. Kill moves his mask so you can see his eyes, the same as Bill's cat eyes, but red. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Bill says as he messes with his sleeve. "Tad said he's got another job for you" Kill says as he walks inside. "1) I didn't invite you in, get your ass back outside and wait! 2) come inside now. 3) I told Tad I wouldn't be taking anymore jobs" Bill says as he sets on his bed. Kill sets on the table, not the chairs, the mother ducking table. "Why? You were good at your job? And it made you money? You were a wonderful assassin, one of the best!" Kill states as he puts his mask back on.

Bill pushes Kill off the table. Then shoves him outside, "I made a promise to someone, and I would die before I broke it". He slams the glass doors shut and unties the drapes.

Bill sighs and decides to just sleep.

He gets comfortable in his bed and yawns. Letting sleep take over.

Outside a small pig demon laughs and runs down the hall.


Bill yawns and looks at the balcony door, "oh right I covered it". He goes the drapes back and looks at the morning sky. He takes a deep inhale, and goes to get ready.

He turns around and looks at his outfit, "This is my second favorite thing in this place. Clothes! Nice, silk, fancy, clothes!". (See top image for picture of the attire! (it's important!))

Bill sighs and takes an apple out of the bowl on his bedside table. He sticks it in his mouth and turns to the door. He extinguishs the lights with a flick of his finger and opens the door.

He's met with loads of gaurds with Spears pointed at his face. "Uhhh... What did I do?" He asks as the apple falls to the ground, "oh shit, my snack". The Spears move closer and Bill steps back. Ford steps forward from what seems like nowhere. "Well. What do you have to say for yourself" "uhhh... This is a weird test? Is this a pines marriage ritual?! Will I get to marry Pine Tree!!" Bill asked as he bounced on his toes.  Ford face palms and makes the gaurds stand down, "oh my god. Your making this very difficult". Bill shrugs and nervous laughs, "can you please explain what's going on?". Ford sighs, "Gideon says he heard you talking to someone last night. He also said he heard you say you were an assassin". Bill goes pale and stiff. "I-I... I... I'm sorry" is all he can muster out, he hangs his head low. Ford flicks his finger and two gaurds grab his arms, making it impossible to escape. Bill looks at his king with a pitafull look, "tell Dipper that I'm sorry". Ford looks at him and scoffs turning on his heals and leading the gaurds to the throne room.

The gaurds throw the blonde on the ground. He doesn't even attempt to get up, he just sits there. Tears fall down his face. Ford can be heard talking to gaurds, then loud gasps echo through the hall.

All eye go to the three figures on the stair case. Two females and a male.

The small male bolts down, his tailcoat making little flaps. He tries to get to Bill but is stopped, "let me go!! ASSHOLES!!". The males twin runs up to Ford, "what are you doing" "catching a criminal" "but Bill's a good person, he loves Dipper, and he cares about everyone!" "Mable, Bill's an assassin" "How did you find out?! Just a hunch?! Cause it's wrong?!". Gideon comes up and stands next to Ford, "Gideon made a deal with me, he'd explain the cities murders, and he'd get your hand". Mable starts to cry, "WHY?! HE'S A CREEP! I DESPISE HIM! AND BILL LOVES DIPPER, AND DIPPER LOVES HIM! THIS IS WRONG!".

The big doors open, revealing a jail cart. Pulled by two pitch black horses. Bill is then dragged out the door. Dipper managed to break through and dives after the blonde. He only rips off a piece of the blonde's cape before he dragged into the dreaded carriage. They throw him in and shit the large wood doors.

Dipper runs after the carriage but soon trips and watches as his love disappears.

"I'm sorry... Bill..."

Darkness in the castle (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now