13 ∆ ...

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Dipper looks at the man on his knees. "Pine Tree" His voice says gently. Dipper's eyes go back to normal and all the flames die down. "B-Bill" Dipper stares at the man, who has somehow removed the sack and is left with a blindfold. Bill stumbles around and stands, Dipper falters back. "Make a noise" Bill commands, Dipper stomps a shaky foot. Bill nods and blindly walks that way, he falls off the stage. 

Bill rubs the back of his neck and tries to stand back up, but a hand on his shoulder stops him. "Hold on boy" says a gruff voice, Stan's. voice. Bill nods and Stan slowly takes off the silk blindfold. Bill blinks a few times and looks at the stage. There stands a sad looking brunette arguing with the king. Bill stands up hastily but Stan grabs his arm, so he just stays. 

The crowd has been escorted out of the area, for multiple reasons. Mable has now run to her brother's side. Gideon runs after her, but Stan walks over and blocks his path. Gideon stares him down but stays put. Bill stays put and watches everyone closely. 

Eventually, Ford sighed and nodded. Dipper and Mable hugged the crap out of their great uncle. Then Mable launched herself on Stan and hugged him too. Dipper just bolted down the stairs and ran at a very confused Bill at full speeds. Bill falls to the ground with a heavy thud. Dipper laughs and buries his head in Bill's neck. "Hay!! Still a criminal remember?" Bill teases as he holds Dipper close. Dipper blushes a deep scarlet, "not anymore you asshole". Bill lays there, confused out of his small brain, "Wat?" "Me and Mable got Ford to release you and Mable" "What happened to Shooting star?" "She had to refuse Pacifica and date Gideon" "That's worse than death". Dipper shutters as Bill makes that joke. 

Giggles can be heard in the background.

Darkness in the castle (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now