6 ∆ public appearance

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Bill, Dipper, Mable and the rest of the hall looks at the king. "What are your said plans? And are they quick? These heals are killing me!?" Dipper complains, Mabel and Bill laugh a bit.  Ford just walks down the hall over to the grand set of doors, all eyes follow him. He just shoves the door open, you can see the wonderful courtyard.

There's two carriages in front of an exquisite looking fountain. One is pulled by 3 gray Appaloosas. The other by one black draft horse with white socks and blaze. (I know horse anatomy!!! Suck it!) Dipper's yes grow wide, "where are we going?". Ford miles brightly, "you are going to the town with your sutures! YAY!!". Dipper just rolls his eyes and carefully goes down the small stone stairs. Bill runs after him, "Pine Tree wait up!". Mable and Pacifica walk down slowly. Gideon walks alone, Bill trips him on his way down. Gideon pops right up and he and Bill get in to it. Ford ignores them, "dates will go in the front and Mabel and Dipper will go in the back". They all nod, except Bill and Gideon who are still arguing.

Mabel in Dipper step into the carriage pulled by the draft. Bill is dragged in his by Pacifica. Gideon and him continue to argue.

The carts launch forward as the begin to go. Mable and Dipper have a peaceful conversation with some tea that was set out. Bill and Pacifica also do that, Gideon is hushed Everytime he speaks.

They reach the town quickly and Bill jumps out. He rushes over and holds the twins' carriage door open. Mable steps out and snorts in laughter, "thanks lover boy!". Dipper just rolls his eyes and takes Bill's offered hand.

Dipper steps onto the ground to be meet by Bill's arm. "Ma lady?" He says, Dipper blushes. "Still a guy" he says as he locks their arms. Bill gaps in surprise, "I didn't think you'd actually do that!! I just wanted to be charming!! NICE!".

They walk around town. Bill stopping at every window to look in it. Their all collectively ignoring Gideon, who is tagging behind the girls.

They reach the town square which has a huge fountain. Bill gasps and digs around in his pocket, unlacthing his arm. He finds an old Penny and tosses it in. Dipper laughs and sets on the fountain's edge, Bill joins him. They watch as Pacifica tries to flirt and Gideon is just ignored. Bill shyly pits his arm around Dipper, earning a blush from both.

The peace is broken when one person recognizes Dipper. Then the whole town knows and wants to talk.

But Dipper knows these people well. He would often come to yeh town when he was in need of anything, instead of making a servant get it.

"Who's this, prince?" One women asks. Dipper shyly rubs his neck, "you can call me Dipper. And this is Bill!". Bill shakes the lady's hand, "Bill Cipher, I'm Dipper's sutur!". Dipper blushes bright red and the lady squeals. She turns her back and announces to the public, "EVERYONE!! Our Prince has a Boyfriend!!". Both Bill and Dipper go bright red.

There bombarded with questions until Mable pulls them back to the carriages. They don't even look at where their going as Dipper in Bill get into the second one. Mable and Pacifica get in the first.

They leave Gideon in the crowd. Bill flicks him off as the carriage passes him. While doing so he notices the sun is setting.

Bill hears a faint snore and a head lands on his shoulder. Bill hums and pulls the small boy closer.

This was a good day in his books.

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