14 ∆ Mine!

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A week after the 'incident' and Bill has been under a bit of.... Mable and Ford stalking. Mable is there to watch him make his brother blush bright red, Ford is making sure he's still a good person. 

On this faithful day, Dipper is walking through one of the vast hallways his eyes reading the words of the book he holding. A leather bag carrying at least 2 other books. A fluffy kitten lays on top of a larger yellow cat. They yellow cat pads quickly after Dipper, "we're we going Pine Tree?", he asks. Dipper jumps a bit and looks at the cat, "jeez Bill, can't you just not scare the crap out of me". Bill purrs and shakes Monster off his back, he hops in front off Dipper. "what's the fun in that?~" He purrs out as he transforms into his normal human form. Dipper rolls his eyes and continues walking. Bill, Monster, and secretly the rest of the Pines follow him. Bill suddenly Picks Dipper up, "BILL!" Dipper yells as his face goes bright red. "yes my love~" Bill snickers as he walks down the hallway. "What makes you think you can do this!!" Dipper says as he shifts in Bill's arms, his head resting on Bill's chest looking at the book setting on his lap. "The ring on your finger~" "what does that have to do with anything?" "It means your mine~" "Damn right you yellow bastard, Garden please" "Can do Pine Tree!~". Bill jogs out to the garden, Dipper's head on his chest reading his book. Dipper suddenly closes his book and nuzzles closer to Bill, turning the blonde bright red.

Once they finally got to the garden they ended up cuddling. Little to their knowledge they were being stalked by a giant hoard of Mable and her fangirls. All giggling silently in bushes....


Sorry for the sucky chapter, I think the next chapter will be the last one.... so ya!

Don't die, be cool, don't smell


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