3 ∆ dancing through the moon

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The man looks at Dipper and smiles. "Hi! Are you here to meet my sister", Dipper asks as the man walks up. "No I..." "She likes a man in a suit, so that'll help you" "I'm not here..." "Maybe you'll get to talk with her, though I don' think that'll happen" "but I'm not here for Mable!". Dipper rolls his eyes, "then why else would you be here?" "for you~" the man purrs. Dipper's face lights up, "excuse me for a second!". He speed walks to his balcony. He launches himself onto the couch. "Having fun Pine Tree?" Bill asks, Dipper doesn't know where Bill is but he's there. "No! I wish you we're there!" Dipper groans. "But I am Pine Tree!" Dipper finally spots him, he sits in the shadows. "Ugh!! I HATE THIS!!" Dipper groans, "AWWW! But what about that cute guy~" Bill coos, "what are you talking about? I never told you about him?". Bill just jumps off the balcony, "drama queen". 

Dipper returns to the ballroom, to be greeted by creeping guy. "Hello~" he greets, Dipper sighs. "Can you at least tell me your name" Dipper asks, "Bill~". Dipper stops, "I hate you, I hate you a lot". Bill laughs and follows as Dipper walks away, "Pine Tree~" "why are you here?" "trying to win the favor of my favorite Pine Tree!!".

Dipper rolls his eyes and goes to try to talk to other party guests, Bill follows him.... like a creep.

Darkness in the castle (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now