8 ∆ "FIGHT!"

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Dipper breathes in and out. Bill takes off his suit top, leaving him in black dress pants and his white under shirt, he looks back a Dipper. "I'm sorry ahead of time if I hurt you" Dipper speaks in a bland tone as he walks out to the arena. Bill cocks his head and sighs, "You know you can't touch me~". 

Mable prances in followed by Pacifica and Gideon. The suitors head straight to the watching area while Mable slings her arm around Bill's neck, Bill has to kneel down to let her do this. "I'm thinking you've fought him before, but I want to tell you something about Dipper. When He uses his flames a lot his eyes start to smoke yellow, it doesn't do anything to him, it just looks fricking cool!" "Good to know!!" "Now go out there and let my brother kick your butt!!!". Mable pushes Bill out and then runs up to the viewing platform while holding her dress. Bill chuckles and starts to walk over to the middle.

Bill and Dipper stand opposite from each other. One has a serious face the other is trying not to pee himself from anticipation and excitement. Bill wiggles his arms and Dipper face palms, "stop being stupid" "ah! But you love it!~". Dipper just blushes and looks away. "Bow and then you may start the sprawl" Ford announces. Bill and Dipper take a step forward and bow, "I'm gonna kick you butt" "Not likely Pine Tree~". They step back and Dipper gets in a fighting  stance, Bill just stands still. "3...2..." Ford starts, Mable cuts him off, "3, 2, 1, FIGHT!!!!" she yells very fast. 

Dipper makes a sword from a small flame and tries to charge Bill. Bill does a rear cross to the left .(Dog Agility term, don't ask) Bill transforms into a cat and runs between Dipper's feet. He turns back into a human behind Dipper. Dipper spins around and swings his sword at Bill. It grazes Bill's cheek, Bill growls and stumbles back. Bill swipes his hand through the air and a large cloud of fog conceals the two. Dipper lights a flame and it shapes into a blood hound. He hears a howl from behind him and the dog launches itself into the mist. Dipper watches as small particles of ash glide through the air. He swipes his hand and the fog blew away. Just as the last of the fog blows away, a large black wolf jumps onto Dipper. Dipper throws his sword in front of him and it gets stuck in the wolf's mouth. Bill turns back into a human and the sword falls onto the ground in a flurry of ash. Bill growls and makes a dagger, "now here's something I can handle". He rushes at Dipper and tries to stab him with the weapon, while doing so he creates another dagger, allowing him to duel wield them. Dipper dodges most of the attacks, but not without a few scratches. Bill dives at the brunette, Dipper barely manages to jump out of the way. Both fall on the ground. Bill scrambles up and turns into a black wolf again, Dipper sets up but not in time. In a span of seconds Bill had pinned Dipper down to the floor, Bill growls showing the forms large teeth. Dipper sets there and turns his head to the side. Bill goes to bite Dipper's face, but then he just starts licking him. Dipper laughs and squirms, attempting to get Bill off him, "get off me, you fluffy puppy!!". "THE WINNER IS BILL!!" Ford announces. Bill gets off Dipper and turns back. "how dare you?! My wolf form is one of the highest quality in the world!!" Bill acts offended as he offers Dipper a hand. Dipper rolls his eyes and takes Bill's hand, he then pulls Bill's head down and pecks his cheek. Bill stands there motionless, both boys are painted with a blush. Dipper laughs and runs into the armory. 

All the Pines, and Gideon, are there. Pacifica and Mable are talking, a blush taking over both their faces. Gideon's stalking Mable while leaning against the wall. Ford and Stan are looking at Dipper, he cautiously approaches them. One ruffles his hair with a proud smile, the just smiles. "Good job out there, Bill was stronger than I thought. I don't think even I could take him on!" Ford chuckles, Stan just lets his great nephew go. Dipper smiles and walks back out to get Bill, but he's not there. "But your arm out" his voice calls from a over Dipper. Dipper sighs and stick his arm out, a falconer's glove appears and he heard distant flapping. A black falcon with yellow tipped feathers lands on the glove. The falcon's eyes are a striking blue. The falcon screeches then looks at Dipper, "caw caw bitch". Dipper laughs and walks back inside.

Mable instantly hones in on the bird. "DIPPER!! DID WE GET ANOTHER FALCON!?! OHH!! HE'S SO PRETTY!! I'M GONNA CALL HIM ASH!!" She says very fast. She scratches Bill's chin and the bird lifts it's head. "Mable that's Bill" Dipper explains. She stops scratching, "oh then you should be giving him affection not me!".

Dipper rolls his eyes. Bill hops off Dipper's arm and turns back. He choughs a bit and feathers come out, "ugh!! So many feathers!" "You turn into a crow all the time!" "Ya but then I don't cough up feathers!". Everyone laughs except an unamused Gideon.

I gained runs in and how sup to Ford. "My Lord! A body has been found in the nearest town over!" He says.

Dipper looks at an ashamed Bill. He huffs and storms out.

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