9 ∆ tears of blood

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Bill looks at his love grab his tailcoat and leave the armory. Mable holds a hand over her mouth and tears brim at her eyes, but she's not sad for the same reason as Dipper.

Bill turns on his heels and follows Dipper. He runs down the hallway as long as it takes him. But then the hallway splits. He hears a distant sound and he turns that way.

Eventually Bill comes up on a garden. The sun setting in the background, and a crying brunette on leaning on a stone fence. Bill slowly steps forward towards his love. But before she can touch yeh brunette's arm, Dipper speaks, "why did you do it". Dipper lifts his head and looks at Bill, Bill's heart breaks at the sight of the tear stained cheeks. "Pine tree-" "WHY?!" "Pine- Mason," Bill restarts as he sets next to Dipper, he grabs Dipper's hands and lifts it up with his own, "I had too, I'm so sorry". Dipper sniffles and launches himself on to Bill's chest. "You didn't have to, you had yeh choice to not kill them" "I didn't my love. I made the deal before all this and I was running out of time, if I didn't... I fear for what that employer could have done. I'm sorry".

Dipper cry's into Bill's chest. Bill pets and plays with Dipper's hair. Super finally looks up at Bill, "pine tree I- hmph!". Bill is stopped when Dipper smashes his lips against his. Bill is caught in surprise then slowly melts into the kiss. He pulls Dipper closer and Dipper hold his neck.

They finally break apart for air. Dipper looks at Bill, "I know we're going to get married and all. But if we ever do, I want you to stop. Please?". Bill looks at the brunette in his lap with love, he kisses his forehead, "I already declared that my last job".

Dipper smiles at the blonde. Bill dries Dipper's fave with his thumb, "I wouldn't do anything you didn't want". Dipper smiles and buries himself in the blonde's warmth.

They just sit there, in each other's warmth. Happy and content,

Darkness in the castle (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now