4 ∆ *nervous laughter*

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The party ends and Bill is forced to leave. "Find anyone you fancy~" Mable asks as she steps behind her brother. This scares the crap out of her brother. "AHH MABLE!! You scared me!!" He says as he shivers. Mable elbows him, "so~" "no Mable I didn't find anybody" "I DID!!". My heart burns with the burning hatred of sibling protection. "But... there's something I need to tell you about them... can we talk in private?" she asks sheepishly, dipper nods.

Mable sets down on her bed, she gulps down her fear and proceeds to explain. "I think.... I may like girls. PLEASE DON'T FREAK OUT!!" She says  as she throws her hands up.

Dipper's heart leaps. "Oh thank the holy lord!" He says as he jumps in the air. Mable stars at him with relief and confusion, "your... Not, upset?" "Why in the world would I be upset?! I was hoping you wouldn't get a boyfriend! They're kinda hard to intimate with my manly brother skills... Also my friend owes my 6 bucks". Mable's eyes light up, "you have a friend! Who are they?" "Oh shit"


"BILL! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE! YOU OWE MY 6 DOLLARS!~" Dipper whisper yells out to the balcony. He hears an agitated groan and a black blur comes down from the roof. "First, LANGUAGE! Second, I don't have any money on me, and why? Third, I can see shooting star over there" Bill says as he steps in the lantern light.

Mable gasps and inches towards the door. "No! Mable get back here!" Dipper says as Mabel tries to run. Bill rolls his eyes and snap, glitter puffs in the air in front of Mable. "Pacified" Mable says with wide eyes staring at the glitter.

Bill and Mable hit it off. They talk all the stuff, Dipper just skecthes in his journal. "So, who do you like?" Mable asks, scaring both Bill and Dipper. "Why?" Bill asks. "Cause we're buds and that's what buds talk about!".

"I'll go first! I like this blonde girl! See you just need to describe them!" Mable encourages him. Bill claps, "Oh! That's why I need to pay you! You won he bet! Anyway, I like this really cute dude!". Mable squeals, "a gay guy! I can hook you up with all the hour guys!". Dipper stiffs a laugh. "Don't think your out of the woods yet mister! I can set you up with guys as well!". Dipper litteraly dies, "I'm not gay!!" "Sure... And I didn't see you with that guy during the party! That guy looked nice, you should get with him". Bill looks like he might explode from laughter.

"Mable, your only fueling his fire. That guy was Bill" Dipper explains as Bill bursts out laughing. "Ohhh! You should still get with him!" Mable says as she pushes Bill and Dipper closer.

Dipper stands up awkwardly. "Oh look at that! It's almost sun rise! Bye Bill! We have to leave now!" He say as he waves and leaves. Mable give Bill thumps up and runs after her brother.

Bill does a dramatic gay demon exit off the balcony. Like the extra bicth he is.

Darkness in the castle (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now