15 ∆ Forever

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- 2 years later -

Dipper lays on a bundle of pillows and blankets behind his throne, scanning the pages of one of his several books.

His little fort Shielding away every bad thought and depressing memory. Bringing him peace.

The only noise is the loud voice of the new king, but Dipper drowns that noise out and continues to read peacefully.

His peace is stopped once his eyes shift to a shiny ring on his finger, the same ring the came in a box, with a cat.

The golden ring shining, he smiles softly at it. He slowly reaches it with his other hand and touches the diamond in the center.

Dipper chuckles as he remembers something

Bill had insisted that he get Dipper a better ring, Dipper had hissed at him that it meant to much to him. Bill juts gave up after awhile. Letting Dipper keep the old ring.

Dipper happily sighs and look back at his book. Then he sadly looks at the page, it's blank, signaling that the book has come to an end. He sighs deeply and pushes a lump of blankets with his foot. A deep meow can be heard and a yawn, signaling the cat has awoken.

He quickly shoves the book underneath the blanket walls and let's it slide across the smooth stone floors.

The whole throne room goes silent, including the new kings voice.

"Hold on sir" the king says suddenly. Clicks can be heard from boots hitting the stone floor. The blanket wall is suddenly lifted in and light floods into the dark huddle of blankets.

Dipper hisses and blocks his eyes from the burning light. A deep laughter fills the hidey hole. Arms reach out and grab Dipper's arms. They start to drag him out of his hole. Dipper quickly grabs a pillow and let's the man drag him of of his grotto. He grumbles as the man sets him on a throne and an arm drapes over his shoulder. His head softly plops onto the other's shoulder. "I wanted another book, not to come out!". The king laughs and holds Dipper closer, "I know, but you read all of today's stash, so I brought you into the sunlight before you get anymore pale". Dipper yawns and snuggles against the king, listening the his steady heart beat.

"Anyways, there's a noble men hear that wants to speak with you my dear" The king says coldly. Dipper gazes at the man in front of him, a dark blue suit screams noble men. And if that wasn't enough adorning him are several necklaces, bracelets, and rings all silver, gold, or any other valuable metal. And to top it off, there was 2 ladies behind him, both dressed in see through silk garments, showing off their skin and bras. Dipper instantly didn't like him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting sir, what troubles you?" Dipper speaks softly, trying not to sound hateful. "Well I was trying to tell the king that I would very much like it if we nobles could get greater amounts of jewels and metals, there is only so much to go around you know?" The man said as the ladies held his arms. He continued snobbishly, "anyways, I was trying to tell the king, but he wouldn't give me the correct answer!! I had hoped he would have been more helpful, but yet again he isn't the true king. So I decided to talk to the said, 'true king'". 

Dipper nodded solemnly, understanding this man's concerns, "And how do you suppose we get those resources?". Bill held Dipper tighter, just because. "Well the obvious answer is to tax the commoners and trade for it, but taking it from a neighboring city works effectively too" he says casually with a laugh.

Dipper becomes furious. And Bill barks out a loud laugh, "*laugh* buddy, you have no idea what kind of beast *snort* you just released!!!". Dipper slowly gets off the throne and slowly walks towards the man. "So .... What your suggesting is that I do one of two options,

One, tax my people our of their money

Or two, start a war with our allied cities?!?!". Dipper is now standing in front of the man, who is about half a foot taller than him. "Uhhh... Yes???" He shakily answers. Dipper smacks the guy across the face, "I would like you to leave and tomorrow I will send a group of guards to collect you from your house to place in the dungeon" he says calmly. The man stands there, speechless. The women are snickering a bit. The man growls and slaps on of the women, "hush you filthy whore!". She shakily nods and cowers behind ten other one. Dipper tsks and Bill laughs, "now sir, if you could please, get. Out. Of. My. Sight". The man growls and grabs the women forcefully by the wrists. "Oh and sir"
Bill says suddenly, catching the man by surprise. The man turns around and grumbles, "what now?". "Leave the women, since you are no longer a noble, or a free man, they are no longer your's!". Dipper smiles at his lover, and the women gasp. The man grumbles once more and stomps out.

Dipper makes his way to the women, "now! Sorry about that! I bet you all would like some more.... Appropriate clothing". They both exchange looks and nod, "thanks". Dipper hums and goes back to sit on his throne. Bill looks at the women, "down the hallway and the third door to the right, that is Mable's room and she would be happy to dress you". They quickly run to the door.

Bill swiftly walks over to Dipper, picking him up and holding him close. "Is Bill a bit mad about the rude man" Dipper teases. Bill grunts and buries his face in Dipper's neck and sitting on the throne. Dipper laughs and leans into his embrace.



Sorry for the strange chapter, I just started writing and kept writing. And yes, this is the end of the book!.... so sorry about that.... I don't really know what I'm talking about anymore...


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