7 ∆ *Magic!*

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Bill walks around the grand hallways. He was told to stay here since he's a suitor. He didn't really say anything against it, it allows him to be closer to his Pine Tree and scope out his victims, he still is a killer for hire after all! 

Anyway, he's dressed in his usual black suit, small golden triangles decorate the collar and cuffed sleeves. While walking he spies a large dust cloud in part of the courtyard. The hallways outside have huge archways as windows. He speed walks over to a spot he can see where it's coming from. 

He turns a corner and there, seated at a small table with a tea pot and a few cups, is the war general. "What are you doing?" Bill asks as he walks closer, Stan looks at him then back to the dust cloud, "Sit down boy. You'll see". Bill carefully walks over and sets at the chair across from the general. They both stare at the cloud with curiosity. 

The cloud settles when a flash of blue breaks through it. Inside are two men circling each other, "Is that Pine Tree and the king?" Bill asks. "You're allowed at call him Ford you know" "I just find it weird not to call him king" "You are to marry Dipper, so you'll be family" "I guess". Stan pours himself more tea. Dipper suddenly sends out yellow and black flames and Ford, Ford pops up a black shield. "What are they doing? Also can I have some tea?" Bill asks as he slides a tea cup over to himself. Stan nods, "yes you can have some. And their training" "For what?" "Just training. They're the only members of the Pines family, that's alive, to be blessed with magic" "wow" "Sorry if this is a personal question, but is anyone in your family blessed with magic? It's a extremely rare trait, but you'd be surprised where it goes!". Just makes the teapot float over to him and pour him tea, "My family, we only had two, me and my brother. My brother was killed however" "I'm sorry to hear that" "It's fine, I was hardly even 2 at the time". Bill sips tea and watches the smartest Pines sprawl. "If I may ask, is the color of the flames a heritage thing? I wouldn't know, I was the only Cipher ever blessed with it" "Dipper's father had golden flames and Ford has black. I think it may be but I'm not really sure". 

Stan sets down his empty cup, Bill pours him some more using magic. 

They sit in silence for a bit and watch the fight. Dipper lights a small fire in his hand and it turns in to a large hissing cobra. It's eyes black as night but it's scales covered in embers and the color of the sun. It landed on the ground with a thud and a his. Ford makes a sword out of his black flames and makes a physical. The cobra and him spare until Ford cuts off it's giant head. The body fades in to ash. Dipper yells and creates a sword himself, they sword fight.

"Lately Dipper's become very strong, we can't explain it" Stan says as he sips tea. Bill chokes on his, "I-Interesting! That's quite odd! *awkward laughter*". Stan sets his empty cup down and gets up. "Come on they're almost done!" He tells Bill. Bill just floats the tea set with them and follows. As they go down some flights of stairs Stan notices the floating tea pot and cup, "Your a monster and a genius! Float me over my tea cup please". Bill laughs and does as he's told.

When they reach the bottom they land in the armory. Outside the open doors is the training field, with two sparing Pines. Stan motions for him to leave the tea and to follow, Bill does both. Stan leads him to the royal viewing area. From there they watched the match. Stan turns to the blonde and smirks, "About now is when I start routing for one, usually Ford. Mainly to tick off Dipper". Stan turns towards the arena and takes a deep inhale, "GET HIM SIXERS!!!!!!". Bill looks at him with anger, he growls and shouts, "KICK HIS ASS PINE TREE!!!!". 

Ford does a whoop when Stan yells. Dipper casts up a shield for ten seconds and turns to Bill and smiles. Bill falters back and blushes bright red, Stan laughs deeply at this reaction. Then they both start shouting for their desired winner.

Dipper releases the shield and shuffles to the left, dodging a blow from Ford's sword. He casts another flame, this time it forms a stag. The stag makes a..... weird deer noise and rushes at Ford with his black tipped antlers. Ford has to grab the antlers and hold the stag so it doesn't hit him. Dipper rushes at him with his sword, yells, and gently tags Ford's side. The stag falls back and stands next to Dipper, Ford turns to his nephew with a smiling face. Ford bows and in return, both Dipper and the stag bow, but as the stag bows he fades to ash. Both of the slowly fade to ash as well. 

Bill races back down to his Pine Tree, while Stan just walks. He finds the gifted pines sitting in the armory. By now Stan has caught up to Bill. Stan goes over and talks to his twin while Bill rushes on top of Dipper. He picks the brunette up by his hips and spins him around. Bill sets his laughing love down and Dipper punches his arm playfully, "goofball". Bill just smiles more and ruffles Dipper's hair, "only for you". They laugh but are stopped when the king walks up to Bill. "Stan tells me you have magic?" He says calmly. Bill lights a small flame in his palm, "that would be correct". Dipper tugs on his grunkle's sleeve, "Grunkle Ford don't you dare do what your thinking!" "He has magic, his skills need to be tested". Bill stands tall and acts fearless, he fears everything. Ford turns to the shaking Blonde, "what areas are you strong in and where are you weak?". Bill taps his foot and thinks for a minute, "shape shifting, flame growth, and possession, are the things I'm strong in. And I don't really pay attention to my weaknesses... sorry". 

Ford ponders for a moment, he then sets a hand on Dipper's shoulder, "To see where your skills are at, you'll fight Dipper!". Stan smiles and runs out of the armory, "I'LL GO GET MABLE AND THE OTHERS!!!". Ford nods and walks to the viewing area, his black cape flowing behind him. 

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