11 ∆ A world without you

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Dipper sat on his throne. Motionless and empty. It had been a day since the incident.

And he was not in a good mood.

Nor was Mable who was to engaged to Gideon against her will.

She sat on her throne beside him. All joy in both their eyes are gone, replaced by bleak empty memories of things they cannot have.

A guard ran up to Dipper heaving. He handed Dipper a wooden box. Dipper curiously took it. "A gift from the traitor," The gaurd said, Dipper teared up, "this was the only thing he requested, before his execution tomorrow". Dipper nodded with tears falling down his face. Mable places a hand on his shoulder and dismissed the gaurd. "I miss him" Dipper whispered, Mable rubbed circles into his back. "Well, you gonna open it" Mable said softly. He nodded and with shaky hands opened the crate.

He peeked inside the box and inside sat a soft little Maine Coon kitten, around it's neck is a yellow ribbon color.

Dipper picks the kitten gently and holds it up. It kicks his face and Dipper chokes back a sob. Mable picks a note up from inside the box. Dipper sets the cat in his lap and takes the note.

He cautiously reads it,

My dear Pine Tree,

I'm sorry for what happened. I hope you like my gift! I remember you liked fluffy things and a cat can always help you. It got the privilege of meeting the fluffy devil. I'm surprised they let me see what cat they picked to send you! She's a sweetheart, I named her Monster. Just so you have a peice of my stupidity with you.

Hope this note finds you well. And I hope you have a nice life. I really want you to know that I love you.

From now until the end of time.

I love you, I love you so much.

Bill Cipher

P.S there's a question on the back of this note!

Dipper hesitantly flipped the note over. On it was writing, very neat hand writing might I add.

Marry me Pine Tree?

The ring might have fallen off and if so it's in the crate.

Even if I'm dead I want you to flash the ring at people and go, "I'm taken bitch".

It'll make my day every time I see you in my afterlife.

So what'll be Pine Tree?

Dipper dove into the box and the cat fell on the floor with a soft thud.

He pulled out the golden ring, a diamond sat in the center. And another note was attached

Don't ask where I got it.

Let's just say it was mine for awhile.

Dipper slides the ring on and looks at it. "You idiot" he cried out. Mable sat next to him on the ground and Monster came up and sat in his lap.

"How could I say no...

But how can I live in a world without you?"


Before you dismiss the author note, cause come on, no one actually reads them! I just want to say some  things.

1. Thank you for being patient with me and my wires procrastinating schedule!

2. Fun fact actually. Monster was named and based off my cat in real life. She passed a few years ago, bless her soul, and she was the best.

I'm fine and I don't want to hear your pity! ÒwÓ she was a good cat...

She even came when you patted your knees, she was a dog in a cat's body.

Darkness in the castle (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now