Ashe X Dedue

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(A/N): I got this idea from the Dimitri X Shy!Fem!Reader that had Ashe and Dedue in a relationship. Btw this has spoilers for that so if you didn't read that... GO NOW!! Unless you didn't want spoilers for WHITE CLOUDS and in that case that is ok this one again has spoilers so... you may have to skip... COMPLETE WHITE CLOUDS PLEASE!!! Anyway Ashe and Dedue have always been so cute in my eyes. This again, happening at the same time the Dimitri X Shy!Fem!Reader! Is happening... You can also start requesting character X Characters.

(Ashe P.O.V)
I woke up today with one plan. To go shopping. Of course today was Dedue's day to go shopping but Solon really hit Dedue hard so I didn't want him to trouble him with unnecessary work. I went to town in my uniform and started finding things on the list that I stole from Dedue's room. After I got everything I went to the Fódlan Merchant BookStore with the extra gold I had left. To my avail, nothing I wanted. I slipped the money into my pocket and walked to the Monastery. When I got back I was greeted by a angry Dedue. "Ashe." He said "Y-yes Dedue." Ashe said timidly. "It was my turn to shop. You had no reason for doing such a thing. In the future refrain from doing such thing my lo-" Dedue paused blushing. "It's fine Dedue. Really. It was no trouble!" Ashe smiled "We should get back class is about to start." Ashe said as he handed the shopping stuff to the Gatekeeper and Dedue and I went off to class. I then had a thought. What if I poked Dedue right in the stomach. It would be cute... right? I then poked Dedue right in the stomach. "Urrgh." Dedue groaned. I giggled at Dedue's reaction. "You'll pay for that." Dedue smirked as he chased me down until we got to the Golden Deer. "Okay... stop!" I said as Dedue picked me up. "You can't talk your way out now." Dedue said as he poked my stomach. "Arggg." I moaned at the impact. I jumped down and crossed my arms. Dedue laughed historically. "That wasn't fair! I had no defense." Ashe pouted "Alright." Dedue said in between his laughing. We walked to class to see Felix trying to strangle Dimitri who was on top of (Y/N). We helped the rest of the Blue Lions to get Felix off of Dimitri and (Y/N).  After that we all sat down very nicely. I sat next to Dedue and was basically on his lap when Professor Byleth came in. When class ended Dedue and I went to the Dining Hall to sit with (Y/N) who was always alone. We didn't talk much but Dedue and I were having tickle fights. "S-stop Dedue Ah! Stop." Dedue laughed at all my groans and moans at his tickling. We saw (Y/N) giggle at this. Then out of absolutely no where and Dedue and I froze... "What do you think (Y/N)'s going to do." I whispered to Dedue. Dimitri then came over and told Sylvain to leave. "Phew." I said as Sylvain left. I smiled at (Y/N) giving her courage to talk to Dimitri. Serios knows why they aren't dating. I thought as (Y/N) hugged Dimitri and then ran. Dedue and I finished our food through tickling until it was night. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Ashe." Dedue said. "Yea... tomorrow." I said sadly as he walked into his dorm. I walked into mine at least he saw me walk into mine. After awhile I got out and went to a merchant by the Professors room.
DLC Spoiler Warning

The merchant took me to Abyss to meet my friend Hapi. "Well, did you bring it?" She said "Ya. Of course." I said while pulling out a scroll to a secret passage to the Dining Hall. "Thanks. We really need food down here. You'll be a legend." "So, this is where you've been going for the past couple months." I turn around to see Dedue standing with his arms crossed. "Dedue!? Oh Dedue..." "Ashe... why. Why do you betray the Church?" "You don't understand Dedue these people are living on scraps. This is unacceptable. The Church doesn't even come to help them. His highness, Edelgard, Claude, Linhardt, Hilda, and the Professor are helping too!" I say trying to convince Dedue. "If His Highness and you are helping these people I'm sure I can keep the secret and help as well." I run and hug Dedue. "Since we're keeping secrets. I was wondering if you could keep one of mine." "Yes?" I said heart racing. "I love you Ashe... will you be mine..." Dedue said quietly. "I look at Dedue Heart going 100 miles per hour. "YES!! OF COURSE!!!" I yelled "Wow, looks like you've FINALLY got a boyfriend eh." Hapi said and walked away with the scroll. Dedue and I walked out of Abyss holding hands and went to sleep together. The next day was the day of the Holy Tomb and it all went South when Dimitri went insane killing all the Imperial Soldiers and trying to kill Edelgard AKA the Flame Emperor. Dedue held me tight as I cried into his hand that covered my eyes. (Y/N) is probably feeling worse right now. I have to stay strong. I thought. After that Dedue and I spent our time training for the war but after the Seize on Garreg Mach...
(A/N): yes.. there are two routes because the choices you make here and in real life effect other people.

Route 1: Friendship
Dedue and Ashe lived a happy life and soon got married even though Dedue wanted to go to Dimitri, Ashe said otherwise saying if (Y/N) left Dimitri he didn't love anyone. After Cornelia seized Fargeous, Dedue and Ashe retreated to Gautier territory and adopted a orphan from Duscar. They fought against Cornelia and soon learned that Dimitri had died in the beginning of the war.

Route 2: Monster Love

Dedue fought with Dimitri and (Y/N) and left Ashe heartbroken. Ashe soon opened a Cafe in Gautier territory. Ashe became rich because of this and Dedue was by Dimitri's side. Dedue wished he could return to Ashe everyday and when they finally killed Edelgard and Dedue found Ashe in Gautier territory Ashe had already married Hapi and had two kids. Dedue heart broken was never seen again on Fódlan. It was said he moved to Brigid while Ashe and Hapi had a third kid on the way and lived a happy life with their two crest babies and their one great kid whom still had the power to summon Demonic Beasts. Ashe and Hapi later moved to a small cabin in the forest until their kids were old enough to control their sighs and moved back to the cafe and spent the rest of there lives happy.

(A/N): Hi everyone so I know the second ending is very sad for Dedue but it shows what happens when you make choices. Also please give me feedback if you think this 2 route thing is a good idea. I would very much appreciate it.

Published: 3/9/20

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