Female!Byleth X Female!Reader

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Dedicated to: @LilaDoesFanfics

I looked up at the Professor as she asked me a question. "75." I said confidently at her question. "That is correct. Great work Y/n!" The Professor said smiling as she turned away. I put my head on my arms and blushed. 'If only she knew of my crush on her!!' I thought as Byleth asked a question to Hubert. 'My only problem is that I do not want to work with a lance anymore.' I thought to myself. 'Not only do I have to work with Ferdinand of all people but I want to learn something with swords. Just like Byleth.' I blushed at a thought going through my mind. After class I approached Byleth. Hoping she wouldn't turn down my request I asked. "Professor, I've been feeling a little uhm... not comfortable with the weapon of your choice. Could you perhaps change my weapon of choice to be swords?" I looked at Byleth. She paused as she considered my request. It felt like I was standing there for hours. 'What is she thinking!?' I thought with panic as she finally moved. "If you do this you're going to have a lot to catch up with. Do you think you can do that?" Byleth said with confidence. "Yes." I said returning her confidence. "Great. We have a lot to do since we're already in Spring. After I finish here meet me in the Training Grounds. We must train." I nodded as I headed there immediately with a smile. Byleth came shortly after and she threw a training sword at me. "First off I want you to show me where you are at. Fight me." I nodded and picked up the sword. We stood there for a minute and studied each other. I didn't brake focus. I knew she'd get the best of me if my attraction got in the way. But when I studied Byleth more I could tell she was studying me. I knew it was my time to strike. "HIIYAH!!" I yelled as we crossed swords. "HAAA!!" She cried as we crossed again. We fought for awhile before she kicked my side. I went flying into the sand. "Agh!!" I yelped as my arm hit the sand. Byleth grunted as she came over to me. "You were farther than I expected." She said calmly. She grasped my arm gently and used healing magic to heal it. "Would you like to continue?" She asked. I nodded with determination and we picked up our swords again. "I see you favor your (Right/Left). Try and use the other arm to block attacks." She called out throwing a shield in my direction. She held up her sword once again and studied me. I did the same with the shield on my (Left/Right) arm. 'This time I will let her come to me.' I thought strategically as we both waited for the other one to attack. After awhile Byleth came running at me. She swung her sword at me and I blocked it with the shield. I then swung my sword at her missing her barely as she went to attack again. I barely blocked her attack as I through her off me with the shield. We were both breathing heavily as I ran up to Byleth swinging my sword. She dodged again which gave me time to kick her. "AGH!!" She fell to the ground. "BYLETH!!" I panicked falling to my knees. "B-Byleth?" She asked struggling to heal herself. "I-oh. I'm sorry Professor. I just panicked." I said apologetically. "No. No. I like it. Thank you." She said leaning on me to get up. "I'm sorry. I must have hit you hard." I apologized again. "It just proves you are way better then I expected." Byleth said smiling as she now fully healed herself. We bother looked at each other. "Ummm can I get you anything Y/n?" Byleth asked blushing after awhile. "Ummm sure I heard roasted fish is on the menu." I blushed. Byleth held out a hand. "Shall we?" She asked. I grasped her hand and giggled as we walked to the Dining Hall. After we got there we both got the fish and we started eating. "Ummm soo... how was I?" I asked beginning the conversation. "Well definitely, you are more advanced than I thought." Byleth said avoiding eye contact. Byleth chuckled for a second and looked over to Flayn. I looked to see Flayn devouring every fish in sight. "S-sooo everything good at home?" She asked me continuing the conversation. "Ummmm you know everything is... just fine." I said quietly. "This is really awkward." I giggled eating small pieces of my food. "Well, I mean your cute face is distracting." Byleth said. She froze after she realized what she said. "Oh my goddess. I am so sorry. SOMEONE just compelled me to say something." Byleth said panicking. "Do you really think I am... cute?" "Well yes but.." "Wow... I thought my feelings are one sided." Byleth's eyes went wide. "Come here you." Byleth said almost crying. She grabbed my arm and led me over to her. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me. Everyone started clapping as we finally let go to grab air. I looked at everyone who was clapping and blushed. I then looked at Flayn who looked to be the only person who wasn't even looking. Seems like she was too distracted.

5 Years:
After Byleth and Y/n got together not long later Edelgard raged war all over Fodlin. Byleth made Y/n leave the Monastery with the others and when Y/n got the news Byleth was M.I.A she was devestated. Y/n went searching high and low but after 5 years it was said Byleth had returned. This filled Y/n with joy and she ran to the Monastery as fast as she could. She ran into Byleth first thing and they took it slow and rejoiced in their reunion. After the war they lived in the Monastery having two boys named Theodore and Christoper.

Published: 12/03/20

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