Manuela X Male!Reader

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Dedicated to: @The789Guy

This has spoilers for White Clouds but I'm sure y'all have played the game since it's been out for a year. Also alcohol.

You were worried sick. Getting the news Professor Manuela was found unconscious in her room made you worry. What the rumors said was that Jeritza had knocked her out and escaped capture. Like Dorothea you were in the Opera Company just not in the way Manuela or Dorothea was. You were in charge of money and was an assistant. You and Manuela were very close always making jokes and having fun. You rushed over to the infirmary and saw Linhardt and Mercedes caring for her. You ran over to Manuela and woke her up. "Professor Manuela are you alright!?" I said very concerned. "Ugh... who the he... oh (Y/n)! What happened?" "The good news is that you're alive! The bad news is that you're on a LOT of drugs and magic radiation." Mercedes said. "O-oh..." Manuela said shaking her head. "The Death Knight who we think is Jeritza stabbed you." I said. "Oh that little..." Manuela groaned in pain and then sighed. "Look at me I'm no good at fighting." "That's not true Professor Manuela there was that time you kneed that guy for spreading rumors about your age." I said smirking to myself. "Oh ya that's right." She smiled. "That guy deserved it." She yelled. Linhardt rolled his eyes as Mercedes giggled to herself. "Oh and (Y/n) call me Manuela." "Oh? Are you sure?" "Of course we are old friends after all!" She said. I smiled. "Well visitor time is over." Linhardt said. "She needs to recover so I can sleep." He said as he kicked me out. I looked around before heading back to my room. When I got there I looked at the painting of the whole Opera Company I framed. "That was a good memory." I looked at Manuela and Dorothea. "If only it could return to those days. I took a shower and then fell asleep.
I woke up early this morning and rushed out to class. I had to check on Manuela. I went to the infirmary and saw her. She was sitting up drinking... eggnog? "Prof- I mean Manuela." Manuela looked at me and then hid her drink. "A-ahhhh (Y/n), how can I help you. *hic*" "Well I was wondering how you are doing?" "I'm *hic* great thank you." She said in a delusional voice. "What were you drinking?" "I-oh." She hesitated. "Medicine that Mercedes and Linhardt prescribed. *hic*" "Ummmm ok?" 'Was she lying?' I thought as I left. I went to class with our substitute teacher Seteth and he taught class. I couldn't think about my interaction with Manuela. "(Y/n), pay attention!" Seteth said as I shot up. "S-sorry I'm just not feeling well." "If you're not feeling well go to the infirmary!" Seteth ordered as I left class. I went to the infirmary to see Manuela drinking the same stuff again. "Manuela." "I-oh! Hello (Y/n)!" She said tucking the small bottle in her pocket. "A-are you sure that's medicine?" "Y-yes..." "Manuela I look up to you! Please don't tell me your lying to me." She sighed "What if I go ask Dorothea." She looked away. "It's alcohol..." "W-what!?" I said shocked. "Look... I didn't want to tell you because I knew you looked up to me." "O-oh..." "I'm sorry." She said. She looked like she just went through a break up. "I-it's alright. I mean hey I know that Claude and Hilda love to sneak and steal some food and drinks for the Golden Deer or how sometimes Sylvain will put some extra sugar in Mercedes' cookies just for Felix or how Caspar secretly likes Dorothea." Manuela gasped. "Caspar!?" I nodded. "Oh we need to have some tea while spilling some tea!" She said. "Well at least I cheered you up." I said as she laughed. "Ya." We sat there in a long silence as Manuela said something to herself. "Well I should get back to class." I said. "Oh ya. Well Ta Ta!" She said going back to her bed. I left the room after making sure she wasn't drinking and went back to class. After class ended I went back to the infirmary to check on Manuela when I saw it. A bunch of alcohol bottles lay resting outside of her room. I saw Flayn slip one under her dress while walking past. Even through my confusion of what I just say I walked into the infirmary. It was much cleaner and Manuela was dusting one of the cabinets. "Ahhh (Y/n)!" She said turning her head. "Wow this place looks better than ever!" I said amused and amazed at what she did. "W-well I have a confession. (Y/n)..." "Yes Manuela?" I said. "I-I think I love you." I was shocked. I mean sure Manuela was cute but since she was older I didn't really see my feelings through until now. "Manuela... I think I feel the same..." "O-oh... oh my goodness!!" I could feel Manuela hug me. "This is the best day ever." "So Manuela I hate to ask this of you b-but how old are you truly?" "That is PRETTY rude but I'll tell you since I love you. I'm-"

Songstress' Return:
After Manuela and (Y/n) got married Manuela and him both went back to the Opera Company. They always had to preform and (Y/n) always had the money to check but they always made time for each other. (Y/n) sometimes had to put Manuela in check with alcohol but overall she was decent with it. (Y/n) and Manuela had a daughter named Aubrianna who later became a famous and absolute star on the stage and Manuela and Aubrianna were known as the Starstress'. (Y/n) always attended there shows even after he retired and they lived happily together forever.

Published: 7/16/20

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