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"Crap" I had just came from volleyball practice and went back to my dorm thinking I was gonna get some sleep only to find out I had one more class. Today was the first official day of school at the University of Kentucky. I had a full volleyball scholarship.

My class was sports medicine, this was really exciting to me. Walking into the class I was surprised to see there was only a few people there. "Hi you must be Imani Herro" I nodded. "Any relations to Tyler Herro?" Professor B asked. "Yes that's my older brother" now I know what your thinking. I look nothing like him, well when I was younger our families were friends. Then my parents died and his parents adopted me.

We all got assigned a team to be the manager/athletic trainer for. I was assigned to mens basketball. I only knew a couple of people on the basketball team because of my brother. I walked to the media room because I knew that they weren't practicing yet. When I walked in coach Calipari's back was towards me.

"Mani" Nick Richards dragged out pulling me into a bone crushing hug. He lifted me in the air makingme squeal "Ok put me down" I yelled. This caused everyone in the room to look at us. Coach Callipari turned around "Imani what brings you here?" He asks while hugging me. "I'm the new athletic trainer" I told him.

Coach Callipari turned toward the team and announced "guys this is Imani Herro our new manager, some if you played with her brother Tyler treat her with respect or answer to me, got it?" He said. "And mee" both Nick and Tyreese yelled. Everyone nodded and went on about their business. I sat down next to Tyreese.

I took this time to scan the crowd and one boy stood out. Brandon Boston, he played at Sierra Canyon and was an all American. I guess he felt eyes on him because he turned around and gazed straight into my eyes. He didn't look away and somehow neither could I.

I felt my side being nudged " did you go to volleyball yet?" Nick asked me. I nodded "yea I met your girlfriend she's really nice" I told him. They had been dating for the past 2 years but I just now met her. A while later the guys started to practice. My frst assignment was to make each player a portfolio. It consists of all previous injuries and things like that. I wasn't going to start it today though.

Coach Callipari let me go home a lil early because I had volleyball practice tommorow. I was really happy when I figured out that basketball and volleyball won't interfere with each other. Right now I was sitting on my coach watching Tv. Thankfully my roommate would be at her boyfriend's house more than ours.

My doorbell rang so I got up and opened the door. All of a sudden 10 giants were rushed into my apartment.

"What we watching sis?" Tyrees asked as he plopped on the couch. I remained frozen by the door. "I'm watching ON MY BLOCK I don't know about y'all" I said getting a Gatorade and pineapples then sitting down. "Ooh lemme get some" Nick reached his monster hands in the bowl like I won't smack him.

"Ok how do y'all even know where I live?" I asked standing confront of them. No one said any th ing they just looked at nick. "We might have hacked into the housing system and found your name." I bust out laughing "what" I was really struggling to breath. "He bribed a nerd to hack the system" Tyreese explained and the whole room was filled with laughter.

"Anywayy tell your brother to answer my calls" Nick complained. "Bet" I took my phone out and FaceTimed tyler. "Hello" I heard his deep voice. "Hey tyty " I called him by the name I made up when I was 4. "How's Kentucky so far?" He asked. "It's good and Nick said to answer his calls" I replied in my man voice. "Yeah tyty" Nick said mocking me. I was so close to laughing. "Nick how you been dawg?" Tyler asked . "I would be alot better off you answered my calls, I bet you answer Jimmy' s calls" Nick complained as he rolled his neck. He really sounding jealous. "C'mon don't be like that" I almost bust out laughing "aight bye bro" I said hanging up.

We ended up watching movies until midnight.

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