♤ 7

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"Lets go" I yelled, we just beat Lsu In their own gym which was a great accomplishment. I was sad that the guys weren't here this would be the first game I miss. I had a friend fill in for me in athletic training. I saw a couple of my friends that go here in the stands and Tyler was her because they play the pelicans tommorow. Leaving the lockeroom Tierra and I went back into he gym because we were staying on campus.

"Reef, Mini this is Tierra and y'all know Ty" I said. They all got acquainted quick, we went to get much and I had the best po'boy ever. We were all just having a good time making videos and joking around. Eventually we went back to their apartment to chill. I got a call from Bj  so I went in the hall.

"Hey baby I said seeing his face pop up on my screen. "Hey mani, sorry if you were doing something we play in 45 minutes and I needed to hear your voice" my heart melted. "Aww thats so sweet, what have you been up to?" I started to mess with the drawstring on my sweats. "Just chillin you?" "Me and Tierra are just hanging with my old friends and ty is here too" he nodded. Coach K came into the screen to say hi and that Brandon had to go warmup. "Good luck even though I know you'll do great" I blew a kiss into the phone then hung up.

Going back inside I sat down next to Tierra. "I hope they win" she says and I nod muttering a 'me too'. Tyreese had broken his hand last week so someone was going to have to bring in extra points. I couldn't focus on the movie so I made them change it to the game. Bj and Terrance were dominating even Nick was popping off.

Arizona and Josh Christopher were still putting up a fight. It was down to the last minute and Terrance had the ball but was fouled, he got on the line and unfortunately missed both of them. Arizona got the ball back and the shot clock was turned off. I thought it was all over. Josh was taking it down the court when out of no where Bj stole the ball. It was like slow motion I saw him one kill it in right before the buzzer went off. The student section raided the court. Me, Tierra, and Tyler were jumping around.

Nick, Terrance, and Bj came into the camera. "That was for mani" Bj said. "And Tierra" Nick added. "I aint got no girl so that was for you momma" he said in his Boston accent making me laugh.

We stayed at their apartment until it was time for us to go back to the room. Thankfully their dad got tickets for the game tommorow do we were all able to go. We made plans to meet up in the morning. The first thing I did was take a shower then wrap up my hair. I made the mistake of leaving my bonnet at home on the last trip and it was hell.

I heard the soft sound of Brent fiyaz and knew that my baby was calling me. "Hey" he said once we connected "baby I'm so proud of you" I semi yelled making him laugh. "Thank you mamas" he replied. Him and these nicknames are going to kill me. We both yawned at the same time. "I'll talk to you tommorow bye" I hung up then went to sleep.

• □ • □ • □ •

I'm super mad that I woke up to the sound of feet shuffling and not the smell of food, not to mention that I woke up with out Bj by my side. I took a shower and that helped me a little bit. When I was eating breakfast I was confronted by my teammate Armani about not inviting the whole team to ty's game. Like sis you didn't even know my name until last week back tf outta my face.

Me and Tierra met up with Mimi and shareef. The first place we were going to is the mall. I was in need for some new clothes since I just got my check. Against my will the first shop we went to was Victoria's secret. T and Mimi think that I need to 'spice up' my life. The rest of time consisted of us dragging reef into all the girly stores and making him mad.

It was finally time to get to the arena and man there was so much traffic. We were at the top of the arena in one of the box's. I made sure that I got my snacks while they were still warming up so I didn't have to get up later. I was too happy to see Zion play I've been a fan since highschool.Coming into the first quarter they were doing really good until Zion came in. Him and Lonzo ball were a crazy duo. Tyler finally got in and he was going off.

At halftime we took a bunch of pictures I picked the best looking one and posted it to my instagram.

(Imagine it's them and reef is in the back)


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Imani_H: sistas + reef

Mimi: we look good
Tierraj: pop off
Reef: I look better than all y'all
  ^Mimi: stop lyin

Miami ended up winning by 6. We all went out to dinner enjoying our last night together since we had a flight in the morning. When we got back to the room I called Bj telling him about my day then went to sleep.

Author's note
I don't know what's up with me writing about the O'Neal family in 2 different books. I hope y'all liked it, vote and comment.


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